Copy of Grammar Lesson: Non-Defining Relative Clauses
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Ss will learn a new grammar concept: non-defining clauses. Ss will learn this concept in the context of traveling. First, the T will show Ss a profile of a woman who is traveling to Australia and will point out details about her. Then, the Ss will learn the concept using information from her profile. The T will clarify the meaning and rules related to the concept and then ask the Ss to complete two exercises clarifying the rules. At the end of the class, the Ss will have a chance to write their own sentences with non-defining relative clauses based on two new traveler profiles. They will share their sentences in pairs and the whole class if there is enough time. Then, the T will lead a brief error correction stage to point out any common errors the Ss were making when practicing the concept.


Abc Presentation: Non-Defining Relative Clauses (teacher made with photos from Google Images)
Abc Presentation: Non-Defining Relative Clauses (teacher made with photos from Google Images)
Abc HO: Punctuation and Fill-in-the-Blank (teacher made)
Abc Traveler Profile: Sue (teacher made with photos from Google Images)
Abc Traveler Profiles: Rachel and Chris (teacher made with photos from Google Images)
Abc Presentation: Non-Defining Relative Clauses (teacher made with photos from Google Images)

Main Aims

  • To introduce Ss to the concept of non-defining relative clauses in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice writing sentences using accurate punctuation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context of traveling and engage Ss

T tells Ss she recently went on a vacation to Izmir with her family, showing a photo of Izmir on the presentation. T uses T-S teaching and CCQs to tell Ss that Americans say 'vacation' while British people say 'holiday', but that they have the same meaning. T asks Ss to discuss their most recent vacation in pairs for 1-2 minutes. T instructs them to state where they traveled to, what they did, and any other information they want to share. T asks for one S to share with the WC.

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a situation related to traveling

T shows a traveler profile for Sue, a 25-year-old American who is traveling to Australia. T goes over the profile, asking specific Ss questions like, "Where is she going?" and "Where is she from?" T asks Ss if they know the word 'destinations' and if not, briefly teaches the MFP of the word. T uses defining relative clauses to recap the information. For example, T says, "Sue is the woman who is traveling to Australia."

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw Ss' attention to the target language of non-defining relative clauses

T pulls up a presentation that contains the example sentences she used with defining relative clauses such as "Sue is the woman who is traveling to Australia" to briefly review and contrast the previous lesson. Underneath, T shows an alternate sentence using a non-defining relative clause with 'who': "Sue, who is American, is traveling to Australia." T highlights and points out that the non-defining relative clause is extra information that isn't needed. T shows another example using 'which': "The Great Barrier Reef is the place that she is excited to visit" and "The Great Barrier Reef, which is very famous, is her destination." T shows another example using 'where': "Sue is traveling from the place that she is from" and "Sue is traveling from the United States, where she is from, to Australia."

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning and form of the target language

Using the same three example sentences, the T points out important elements related to the sentence after trying to elicit all of the answers from the Ss. Specifically, the T explains that non-defining relative clauses apply to nouns, and that 'who' is used for people, 'where' is used for places, and 'which' is used for things and verbal nouns. T also states that proper punctuation is crucial here, and that the sentences MUST contain commas to separate this clause. Then, the T points out placement using two alternate examples to the target sentences, and shows that the clause can come in the middle or at the end of the sentence.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare Ss for more meaningful, freer practice

T gives the Ss a HO that is folded and tells them not to unfold it. The first half of the HO asks Ss to add proper punctuation to sentences about Sue's profile. T asks the Ss to complete it alone, and then directs Ss to check in pairs. T asks specific Ss to punctuate the sentences on the WB. T corrects and explains any errors. T asks the Ss to unfold the second half, which asks them to complete examples using either 'who' or 'which' based on the noun. T asks Ss to complete alone and then to check in pairs. T calls on specific Ss to read the answers. T fills out the answers on the WB.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and gives Ss a chance to use the target language

T passes out one of two traveler profiles to each S. They will either have Rachel, who is traveling to Jordan, or Chris, who is traveling to New York City. Both profiles will contain the same information as the example profile. T asks Ss to write sentences with non-defining relative clauses about the travelers. T asks each S to write three sentences using any information. T pulls up example sentences about Sue's profile on the WB to help guide them, since saying they can use 'any information' may be too vague. T asks Ss to find another person with the same traveler profile as them, and check together. T calls on 1-2 Ss with Rachel's profile to share their sentences and then 1-2 Ss with Chris's profile to share their sentences. If there is extra time (at least 3-5 minutes, so if it's between 12:50-12:55), T asks Ss to discuss in pairs if they would rather visit Jordan or New York City and why.

Error Correction (2-3 minutes) • To address common mistakes the T observed while the Ss were writing and sharing sentences

While monitoring the Ss writing and sharing their sentences, the T writes down any major reoccuring or specific errors related to punctuation, placement, or proper word usage. T asks Ss to point out the errors, and if necessary, explains why they are errors before ending the class.

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