Sanjana Sanjana

TP 2: Lexis
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will associate personal characteristics based on the texts related to jobs. The lesson begins with a discussion about jobs. There is a gist task where students listen and answer the questions. The controlled practice of the target language covers MFP. Finally, free practice for students to use the language individually, in pairs and OCFB.


Abc Emailed worksheets

Main Aims

  • To review and practice different phrases related to jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice fluency for speaking in the post-task discussion about which job best matches their personal characteristics.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To engage learners and activate their previous knowledge of topic area.

T displays photos of people who have different jobs and elicits from Ss the answers. By asking questions like: What do you think the people in the photos are doing? T asks Ss to match the jobs with the texts. Ask opinions about what kind of job it is? In the breakout rooms students discuss what kind of job they would be interested in?

Gist (8-10 minutes) • To get students “identify” and notice the target language.

To complete the phrases with the word in the box. T asks Ss to read the text sent via email. Ss read the phrases and complete a gist task after reading the text. Ss will choose the appropriate word which closely matches the text. Ss will be given 2 mins to complete reading and the gist task individually. Ss will then compare answers with their peers in the breakout rooms.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation (MFP) of the target language.

T elicits vocabulary using pictures and CCQs. Then, T asks the Ss to choose the correct form of the words through Jamboard slide. T models the pronunciation and drills with the Ss. Learners will do this individually, then check in pairs and OCFB. T covers MFP of the TL on Jamboard slide. Meaning of the TL is elicited in a group as a class activity by getting Ss to answer CCQs (Jamboard slide). Pronunciation is highlighted systematically - syllables, stress, linking, model then drill. (Pronunciation covered before form so Ss have the verbal skills to say TL when eliciting answers for form as a whole class). Form is highlighted with examples and getting Ss to pick the correct options (together as a class) on Jamboard slide.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice.

Ss will be given a fill in the blank activity via email. Ss complete the task individually. Ss will be given 5 mins for completing the sentence choosing words from the options given. Ss then work in pairs to compare answers (in breakout rooms) for 2 mins.

Feedback 1 (OCFB) (1-2 minutes) • To concept check and enable Ss to share ideas with rest of the class.

Each S asked to share answers with class (each S answers a different question). T elicits/corrects/gives out the answers to the gap-fill activity. If Ss don't understand certain items of TL, T asks CCQs as noted in anticipated problems and solutions to check understanding and prompt Ss for answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language.

T demonstrates the discussion by sharing the personal characteristics needed to be a good teacher. Ss get in groups of 3 and talk about which job best matches their personal characteristics. E.g. What are your personal characteristics? Which job best matches your personal characteristics? If you already have a job that matches your personal characteristics, do you like it?

Feedback 2 (OCFB) (1-2 minutes) • To enable Ss to share ideas with rest of the class.

S from each pair will share their responses with the class. T writes responses on Google Slides (annotation tools).

Closing (1-2 minutes) • To close the session and thank students.

Thank Ss for coming and close the session.

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