Yesenia Yesenia

TP 3 LP _ Yesenia Venegas
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn the correct usage of will and be + going when talking about the future. They will be listening to an audio about jobs in the future, followed by an explanation of meaning, form, pronunciation, and appropriacy. To check what they have learned, they will fill out a google form for MFPA, plus do a controlled practice with fill in the blank, and a speaking task.


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Main Aims

  • TP 3- Grammer- To provide clarification and practice of future form of "will" and "be+going to" in context of jobs

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency through speaking practice using future form of "will" and "be+going to."


Lead-In (3-5 minutes) • To get students thinking about future tense

I will share a picture that shows possible jobs of the future and ask the following question. "How do you think the jobs of the future will be in the next 20 years? Come up with 3 answers." For example, there will be electric airplanes without a pilot. Pilots would work in a control room and would be able to fly several planes.” SS will work in breaker rooms to answer the questions. I will check on SS conversations in breaker rooms. Lastly, we will do whole class feedback

Highlighting (8-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T will have the students look over google forms questionnaire and clarify any doubts they have before listing to audio on Jobs in the future. T will play audio that is in Future perfect on her computer and have the S fill out a true-false questionnaire as they listen. Ss will work in pairs to review their answers T will check breaker rooms while they review answers in pairs. Lastly, they will do whole class feedback.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher will present the MFPA through a google jamboard. T is going to first go over the meaning of the target language of "will" and "be+going to," followed by an example to show proper usage. Next, T is going to present the usage of contractions to do with "will" and "be(am, are, is) + going to." For example I'll, we'll, they'll and I'm, you're, and He's. T then will do drilling exercises to make sure students know how to pronounce the contractions correctly. T is going to check understanding when to use "will" vs "be + going to", by asking a question and going over the answer with the whole class. T is going to introduce the use of gonna in relation to speaking informally when expressing "going to" and cover the appropriacy of the usage of "'ll." Ss will then work on google forms on MFPA of the usage of "will" and "be + going to. " Ss will go over the answers in pairs. Lastly, there will be whole class feedback.

Controlled Practice (8-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T is going to introduce a multiple-choice google form fill in the blanks to Ss. For example, Adam's wedding is in December. __________ get married in December. A. He'll B. He will c. He's going to Ss and T will do the first one question together. Ss will check their answers in pairs Lastly, there will be whole class feedback to check the answers together.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T is going to have Ss do a speaking task to focus on the language covered in class by asking students to work on using "will" and "be+going to." First, T will ask Ss to talk about plans they have in the future using be+going to. T is going to give an example “I’m going to my grandmother’s 100th birthday party.” Secondly, T will have Ss talk about something they are thinking of doing in the future but are not sure. T is going to give an example “I’ll probably go on vacation for Christmas if I save enough money.” Ss will do speaking task in pairs and have 3 minutes. T is going to check breaker rooms to make sure they understand. Ss will share what their future plans are and what they are thinking about but unsure of, in front of the whole class. T will give feedback or make clarifications if needed.

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