Maria Mazhar Maria Mazhar

Functional language: Paraphrasing
Pre-Intermediate A2/B1 level


In this lesson students will learn how to use certain expressions to explain a word that they don't know when talking to someone in English.


Abc Listening Activity, Gap-fills, Discussion

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practise functional exponents in the context of what’s the word, paraphrasing-- ‘Its somebody …,’ ‘It’s somewhere…, It’s something…, It’s a kind of…, For example,…, It’s the opposite…., It’s like…, It’s similar to….

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide controlled and free oral practice focused on using the target language accurately and fluently in the context of what’s the word--paraphrasing.


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a very short anecdote. An incident happened when I went to buy sneakers (shoes) in Ankara. Anecdote:

Warmer (3-4 minutes) • Provides some opportunity for students to prepare for the task

It will be small discussion. Students will do Exercise 3a. You have listened to my story that how I explained ''rain'' using my body language to a Turkish shopkeeper. Now tell me what do you usually do if you’re talking to someone in English and you don’t know a word that you read? a. Look up the translation on your phone. b. Try to mime the word. (act to explain meaning) c. Try to explain what you mean using other words you know. The option c is called paraphrasing.

Test #1 (4-5 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

At this stage, students will do exercise 3b. Useful expressions for explaining a word that you don’t know. You are going to learn some useful expressions to help you explain words you don’t know. Activity 2. Complete the useful expression with these words. example, something, opposite, somewhere, like, somebody, kind, similar. Note: Pair/Group work depends on the number of students present in the class. Instruction: 1---in pairs. 2.---4 minutes Check: You will discuss or write? Pair (Open BORs--4 minutes) Now listen to an audio and check your answers. (Listening 46 seconds) 1.Somebody—2. Something-- 3. Somewhere—4. Kind of --- 5. Opposite ---6. Light --- 7. Similar ---8. For example

Teach (8-10 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

I will play again if students need. Answers. 1. Somebody—2. Something-- 3. Somewhere—4. Kind of --- 5. Opposite ---6. Light --- 7. Similar ---8. For example Guided Discovery work sheet. I am working on it. Explaining the expressions It’s somebody …. It’s somewhere… It’s something…. a kind of … For example,.. the opposite it's like it's similar Instruction: 1.—in pairs 2.--6 minutes Pair (Open BORs--6 minutes) Welcome back. Clarify where students need.

Test #2 (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

At this stage students will do exercise 3c. Let's explain some words. Complete the definitions for these words. (4 minutes) 1. a DJ It’s somebody …. 2. an art gallery It’s somewhere… 3. a camera It’s something…. 4. A lift it’s a kind of … 5. Sunbathe For example, you do this… 6. Curly It’s the opposite Note: Pair/Group work depends on the number of students present in the class. Instruction: 1.—in pairs 2.--6 minutes Check: 1. You will... Pair (Open BORs--6 minutes) Monitor: whether students are doing the right task and note errors. Get feedback. Answers. 1. Somebody who plays music on the radio or in a club. 2. Somewhere where you see paintings. 3. Something which you use to take photos. 4. It’s a kind of machine which you use to go from one floor of a building to another. 5. For example, you do this when you are on the beach. 6. It’s the opposite of straight. (Will write CCQs and elicitation of these 6 words where needed for error correction.)

Free practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free speaking practice for fluency of the target language

For free speaking practice students will do the exercise 4--Speaking. Communication What’s the word? A page 101. B page 107. Play a game and define words for your partner to guess. Pair work (10 minutes) I will use padlet here and show two cards on two different padlets so that students won't see each other's cards. Student A card 1. Look at the six words or phrases on your card. Think for a minute how you are going to define them. a. Photo b. Lazy c. Trainers d. Go sightseeing (verb) e. Arrivals f. Passenger 2. You have two minutes to communicate your words to B. Remember you can’t use any part or form of the words on the card. 3. Now listen to student B’s definitions. Try to guess the words. Student B card 1. Look at the six words or phrases on your card. Think for a minute how you are going to define them. a. A painting b. Generous c. Shorts d. Book a flight e. Check-in f. A nurse 2. Listen to student A’s definitions. Try to guess the words. 3. You have two minutes to communicate your words to A. Remember you can’t use any part or form of the words on the card. After finishing the activity ask students to show cards to each other. Instruction: 1.—in pairs 3.--8 minutes Check: 1. What you have to do? Pair (Open BORs--8 minutes) Monitor: whether students are doing the right task. Feedback: Praise students. Show both cards on screen.

Backup activity (3-5 minutes) • To provide freer oral practice and use the language productively

This is a backup activity given in teacher's book, page 217. There are several words with pictures given. Students will work in pairs and guess the word. Instruction: 1.—in pairs 3.--3 minutes Check: 1. What you have to do? Pair (Open BORs--3 minutes) Monitor: whether students are doing the right task.

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