Sinem Sinem

Word that go together
A1 level


In this lesson, the Ss will learn some word combinations which is formed of noun+noun and verb+noun. They will be exposed to 2 different listening tracks. After a quick lead in, the students will be introduced to the target vocabulary. Later, they will practice the vocabulary they have learnt within a controlled activity. They will listen to the tracks and do the activities related to it. The lesson will be over with a freer speaking activity and delayed F/B.


Abc Pictures of Bill Gates, Sakıp Sabancı and Ali Ağaoğlu
Abc Ppt (Target Vocabulary Pictures)
Abc Crossword
Abc Map
Abc H/O #1
Abc H/O#2
Abc Q-cards

Main Aims

  • To enable Ss to use the target vocabulary taught in that lesson in their conversations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To understand and respond to the possible questions which are related to the target vocabulary.


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To introduce the topic to the Ss

-T shows three pictures of some businessmen and tries to elicit the word 'businessman'. -T asks Ss: ' Does this word actually have two words?' #Yes. 'Are they nouns or verbs?' #Nouns. -T explains there are some words in English which are formed by two different nouns and today they are going to learn them.

Pre-gist listening vocabulary teaching (13-15 minutes) • To enable Ss to use the vocabulary they learnt when they are exposed to them

T shows Ss some pictures on ppt slides and elicits the target words. T drills the vocabulary and gives Ss written form. T shows Ss some pictures made up of the target words and asks Ss to tell her which word the picture stands for.

Listening for gist (4-5 minutes) • To enable students to develop ability to listen for gist.

T asks Ss to listen to the track and write the noun+noun combinations they hear. She gives Ss the H/O #1. Ss listen and after that check their answers with their partners. T gets answers from the whole class.

Controlled Activity (4-5 minutes) • To reinforce Ss' knowledge of the target vocabulary

T tells Ss that she will give them a map where they can see the signals of some words they learnt. They will write the right word on the crossword by following the numbers. T asks Ss to do the activity on their own. ICQs: 1) So are we going to do it with our friends? #No 2) Are we going to write the words on the map or on the crossword?#On the crossword T gives Ss 3 min to complete the activity. Ss compare their answers with their friends. W/C feedback.

Matching Activity (2-3 minutes) • To provide Ss an engaging way to learn the verb+noun combinations.

T tells Ss that they are going to match the verbs with the nouns. She gives them 2 minutes to complete the activity on their own. ICQs: 1) So what are we going to match now: nouns with nouns OR verbs with nouns?#verbs and nouns 2) Are we going to do it with our friends?#No Ss check their answers within groups. T monitors Ss. W/C feedback.

Listening for specific information (2-3 minutes) • To enable students to develop ability to listen for specific information.

T tells Ss that they are going to listen to the second track and they need to say the verb+noun combinations after each one. T demonstrates the activity to show what they are going to do. W/C feedback.

Post Listening Activity (2-3 minutes) • To prepare Ss for the freer speaking activity

T tells Ss that they are going to see some pictures and asks them to tell her which word the pictures stand for.

Freer Speaking Activity (5-6 minutes) • To enhance fluency

T puts Ss into small groups and gives Ss small cards. She asks them to ask and answer questions using the suggestions on the cards. T reminds them that they can ask another question if they want to. ICQs: 1) So what are we going to do?#Ask and answer questions 2) Can we ask another question? #Yes T monitors Ss and notes their mistakes.

Delayed F/B (2-3 minutes) • To correct errors Ss made

T writes both right and wrong answers of the Ss and asks them if they are true or not.

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