Seli Seli

TP2: Adverbs of Frequency
Elementary level


Abc Face2Face Elementary Student Book page 18-19

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice frequency adverbs (never, always, sometimes, often) in the context of waking up early/late

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading and responding to a short questionnaire in the context of being a morning or night person.
  • To practice speaking about their morning routines using the target language.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T poses the question "Do you wake up early or late? Why?" to the SS on the slide. - T provides an example response for the SS to model the structure. - T assigns the SS into pairs and gives them 2 minutes to discuss the question via Zoom private chat/break out rooms. - T gets the attention of the SS and asks for volunteers to share their response. - T types the SS names under the appropriate column on the slide depending on their responses.

Text-work (6-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text

- T links Google Forms questionnaire to the SS via Zoom private chat. - T instructs the SS to open the link and read the question and then choose the sentence that they agree with. - T gives the students 3 minutes to fill in the questionnaire individually. - T gets the attention of the SS - T instructs the students to compare their responses with their partner via Zoom private chat/break out rooms - T elicits the responses from the SS to determine which is the most common choice in the class for each question. - T highlights the most common choice for each question on the slide.

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

- T shows four of the sentences from the questionnaire on the slide. - T elicits the verbs in the sentences from the SS and then marks them. - T then asks the SS what words appear BEFORE these verbs in the first three sentences and then makes a list of these words on the bottom of the slide. - For the fourth sentence, T elicits what is AFTER the 'be' verb.

Language Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T reveals to the SS that these words are used to talk about "frequency". - T presents a cline to the SS and instructs them to place the four adverbs onto the cline. - T gives the SS 2 minutes to do it individually in their notebooks. - T gets the SS attention and then asks them to compare answers with their partner via Zoom private chat/break out rooms. - T conducts OCFB and completes the cline as a class by asking the SS CCQs. e.g. If I always get up at 9am, is that 0% or 100%? If I sometimes watch the movie until the end, is that 50% or 75%? If I often watch the beginning of the movie only, is that 25% or 75%? If I never stay until the end, is that 0%? - T shows the same four sentences from the highlighting stage. - T elicits the form and sentence position from the SS. - T displays the four words written in phonetic text. T models the pronunciation and then drills the words chorally and then individually. - T elicits the word stress from the SS and adds the stress circles.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T links Google Forms Practice link to the SS via Zoom private chat. - T instructs the SS to change the sentences to be about them by adding in an adverb. - T gives them four minutes to complete the activity. - T gets the SS attention and instructs the SS to compare their answers with their partner via break out rooms. - T gives the SS 3 minutes. - T goes through the questions and nominates 1-2 SS to read their sentences. - T gives feedback on the accuracy of use of the target language.

Freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T instructs the SS to talk to their partner about their mornings. T highlights to the SS that they should use the new words in their sentences. - T gives them 3 minutes to discuss it in breakout rooms. - T monitors the breakout rooms and gathers good and incorrect sentences to be used during the delayed error correction stage. - T gets the attention of the SS and asks the SS to report back what they talked about.

Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback to students on their accuracy of use of the target language and their speaking fluency.

- T displays three sentences on the slide that they collected during monitoring in previous stages. - T instructs the SS to decide with their partner which sentence is correct and which two are incorrect. For the two incorrect sentences, the SS should correct them. "There is one good sentence and two not so good sentences. Talk to your partner and choose the good sentence. Then talk about how we can make the other two sentences better." - T gives the SS two minutes to discuss the sentences in the breakout rooms before discussing the answers as a class. BACK UP: If there is not enough time to run the pairs discussion, then T can elicit the corrections from the SS directly for the incorrect sentences.

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