meri meri

Elementary level


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of use of can and can't in the context of human abilities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide review and practice of body parts vocabulary in the context of human abilities


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher (T) starts by introducing themselves (name, age, and where they're from). T goes to the second slide and introduces the topic by talking about the human body, its parts and their abilities. T asks student (name) "What does this look like?" while pointing at the body, looking for the answer "the human body". T moves over the "human body" text to be above the image. T then tries to elicit from the students (Ss) the correct words for body parts by pointing to each body part and asking specific students "what is this?", and dragging the words over to their correct spots on the body. T then tries to elicit from Ss the correct actions that each body part can do by pointing to the body part and asking specific students "what can this do?", and dragging the words over to their correct spots on the body. T summarizes by saying "we just went over the body parts and what they can do".

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T sends link for task 1 ( in the chat-box. T instructs: "open the link, read text quickly and answer the question. You have 2 minutes to submit your answer." T waits 2 minutes, makes sure that everyone has submitted, if not says "submit your answer now". T then goes over the answer if anyone got it wrong, if everyone got it right then T says "good job you all got it right, the text was about fun facts about what the human body can do" and then moves on. T sends link for task 2 ( in the chat-box. T instructs: "open the link, read text slowly and answer the questions. You have 4 minutes to submit your answers." T waits 4 minutes, makes sure that everyone has submitted, if not says "submit your answer now". T then shares their screen and quickly goes over the answers. T says "good job you did great" and lets one - two students (depending on time) answer the question "is anyone surprised about any of the facts?".

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T goes to 3rd slide to go over meaning of the target language. T elicits meaning of can, can't, and cannot by asking specific Ss "what do you think this word means in this sentence?" T checks Ss understanding by asking CCQs: "Is an adult able to see 10 million different colors? (Answer: yes), Is a new baby able to see colors? (Answer: no), Are people able to sneeze with their eyes open? (Answer: no)" T summarizes what they just went over by saying "we just went over the meanings of the words can, can't and cannot". T then moves on to the next slide to cover form of the target language. T elicits from Ss what type of words surround the target language by asking "do you notice any similarities between these sentences and what type of words go before and after can,can't and cannot?" while highlighting/pointing at the subjects before and verbs after the target language. T then elicits the relationship between these words, which is that can't is the negative form of can and shorter version of cannot. T asks Ss to give an example for each sentence. T summarizes what they just went over by saying "we just went over the form of the words can, can't and cannot, and we now know how to make sentences with these words. T moves on to the next slide to cover appropriacy of target language. T elicits that cannot is used in formal contexts by asking students "do you think you should use can't in a formal setting (such as while writing to your boss or writing an essay)?". T elicits what word we use instead of can for past tense, which is could. T elicits how we ask a question with the word can and how we answer those questions. T summarizes what they just went over by saying "we just went over the appropriacy of the words can, can't and cannot. We now know when we should use can't or cannot, and we now know how to form questions with these words and how to answer them." T then moves on to the next slide to go over the pronunciation of the target language. T elicits where the stress and linking is from students and then corrects them if they are wrong. T gets Ss to say the words can, can't and cannot out loud one by one, and corrects them if they pronounce it wrong. T summarizes what they just went over by saying "we just went over the pronunciation of the words can, can't and cannot, so we know how to say them".

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares the screen to show task 3 and says "I will share this link in chat, when I do I want you to open the link, and answer the questions like ..." T demos by doing the first question. T sends link to task 3 ( in the chat-box. T says "open the link and do the questions, you have 6 minutes to submit". T waits 6 minutes, checks that everyone has submitted and shares their screen to go over the responses and give feedback.

Free Practice (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T goes to slide 7 and says "Okay now I will send you to breakout rooms to discuss your abilities with your partner. Discuss what you can and can't do." "For example: I can dance hip-hop, I can speak 4 languages, I cannot fly, and I can't sing." T asks Ss "(name) how can you ask someone if they can do something?" Answer: Can you (action)? T asks Ss ICQ: "(name) what do you discuss with your partner in the breakout room?" T says "Okay I am sending you to breakout rooms, you have 5 minutes to talk" T waits 5 minutes and observes Ss and takes notes. T brings Ss back to main room and says "Good conversations, now you will go to breakout rooms with new partners and I want you to discuss what you learned about your previous partner" "remember that when you talk about their abilities you say "she can (action) or he can (action) or she can't (action), and you can ask about their partner by saying "can she or can he + actions?" T asks Ss ICQ: "(name) what do you discuss with your partner in the breakout room?" T says "Okay I am sending you to breakout rooms, you have 5 minutes to talk" T brings Ss back to main room, shares their screen on the slide and goes over feedback/DEC. T ends the lesson by thanking Ss for their time.

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