Matt Matt

TP8 - Reading
Pre-intermediate level


To provide reading practice for gist and detail


Abc TP 8 - While-Reading #1 - Reading Text
Abc TP8 - While Reading #2 - Gap Fill exercise

Main Aims

  • To provide reading practice for gist and detail

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide speaking practice with a focus on sentence stress and intonation to develop fluency


Warmer/Lead-in (5-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. T asks Ss to discuss the following Question in pairs for 1 minute: Q. Have you ever received (got) money, or lost money, in an unusual way? T sends copy of Question (cut & paste) to all Ss as Zoom chat message. ICQs: Will you work alone or in pairs? in pairs How long do you have? 1 minute T sends Ss to Breakout Rooms in Pairs to discuss the Question. T brings all Ss back to main room and elicits some answers from specific Ss. (2 minutes)

Pre-Reading (8-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1. Guided Discovery T sends link on Chat to Google Form “Past Time Words” to Ss. Google Form has 3 key words / phrases from Text with matching to Meaning exercise: Just Already Never....before Link to Google Form: T sends Ss to Breakout Rooms in same Pairs to do the exercise on Google Form to match the key words to their correct Meaning. (2 minutes) ICQs: How long do you have? 2 minutes Are you working alone? No - in pairs. What will you be doing? completing a form T brings all Ss back to main room and elicits answers from specific Ss. T elicits Form and drills Pronunciation for the key words. “What kind of word is that?” Already & Just = adverbs Had (auxiliary) + already / just (adverb) + past participle (V3) Never = adverb Before = adverb Had (auxiliary) + never + past participle (V3) ….. + before “How do we say that?” “Where’s the stress?”

While-Reading #1 (9-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

1. T sends reading Text (3 newspaper stories)(pdf file) to all Ss as attached file on Zoom chat (plan B - send by email). Ss read text individually for gist - to get a general idea of the Text - 2 minutes. Ss match headlines (4 options (a,b,c,d) included above main Text) to correct story (1,2,3). ICQs: Will you work in pairs or alone? alone How long do you have? 2 minutes Will you be listening or reading? reading 2. Following gist reading (2 minutes), T sends Ss to Breakout Rooms in pairs to check answers. - 1 minute Ss check answers in pairs (in Breakout Rooms) before OCFB (Open Class Feedback) 3. T elicits answers and facilitates open class feedback

While-Reading #2 (13-13 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks

1. T sends gap-fill activity sheet (pdf file) to all Ss as attached file on Zoom chat (plan B - send by email). Ss read same Text individually for detail - to get a more comprehensive understanding of the Text - 4 minutes. Ss complete the gap-fill activity sheet individually. ICQs: Will you work in pairs or alone? alone How long do you have? 4 minutes Will you be listening or reading? reading 2. Following 2nd reading (4 minutes), T sends Ss to Breakout Rooms in pairs to check answers. - 1 minute Ss check answers in pairs (in Breakout Rooms) before OCFB (Open Class Feedback) 3. T elicits answers and facilitates open class feedback

Post-Reading (10-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

1.T sends Ss to Breakout rooms (different pairs) to tell each other about a time when they received or lost money (or something valuable) in an unusual way. Ss can ask each other questions to get more information / clarify understanding. Ss try to use key words / phrases from the Text: Just Already Never....before Ss have 4 minutes. ICQs: Will you be reading or talking? talking How long do you have? 4 minutes 2.T conducts feedback and elicits one or two stories from specific Ss. Delayed Error Correction (DEC) – T very briefly notes some examples of correct language use, and corrects any major errors observed T thanks Ss for their time and hard work before saying goodbye

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