Zoë Heyn-Jones Zoë Heyn-Jones

CELTA TP8 Listening - 21 August 2020
Pre-Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice the receptive skill of listening in the context of planning their dream holiday.


Main Aims

  • To enable students to practice the receptive skills of listening for gist and detail in the context of a recording about planning a dream vacation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of discussing their dream vacations.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets Ss and welcomes them to class. [Title slide] T shows pictures of sloths. “Does anyone know what this animal is?” [Introduces the sloth with some fun facts: Medium-sized mammal that lives in the jungles of Central and South America Eat tree buds, shoots, fruits and leaves; some eat insects, reptiles and birds They have a four-part stomach that digests their food extremely slowly -it can take up to a month for them to digest a meal! That is why they move incredibly slowly - they move along the ground at the speed of 2m/minute This is why, in English, when you call someone a sloth, or say someone is slothful, it means slow and/or lazy! See https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals/sloth.html T: So why are we talking about sloths? Can anyone guess the topic of tonight’s lesson? [nominates Ss to guess] T: We’re going to be talking about DREAM VACATIONS - and I showed you the sloth because one of my dream vacations would be to visit the SLOTH SANCTUARY in Costa Rica. T: What’s your dream vacation, ___? [nominates Ss]

Pre-Listening (6-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

T gets Ss attention. T: We’re going to listen to a recording of a couple speaking with a travel agent to plan their dream vacation. But before we listen, we should look at a few words that come up in the dialogue. T: I’m going to send you a link to a Jamboard in the chat. Let’s work together to match the words with their definitions: Link: https://jamboard.google.com/d/1ykYltQPAc4iRYgLftsWdXXlFh48SoH321dU_2gQwLv8/edit?usp=sharing Words: Last-minute Exotic Accommodation Self-catering T: Great! Now let’s have a listen to the audio.

While-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

T: Okay! I’m going to play you the audio twice. Gist task: The first time we listen to it, I would like you to answer a set of true or false questions. I will now send you the link to the Google form in the chat: Link: https://forms.gle/J3xGCvvmd7GyMMED7 T: Now we’ll listen to the audio. You can answer the T or F Qs while you listen, then we’ll go to the breakout rooms to compare your answers with a partner for 2 minutes. ICQ: Are we going to be answering the questions while we listen? [yes] ICQ: Are we answering them individually? [yes] ICQ: After we answer the Qs, will we check our answers with the whole class? [no, with a partner] ICQ: How many minutes will we have to compare our answers with our partners? [2 minutes] T plays audio, Ss answer T or F Qs. T send Ss to breakout rooms to compare answers. T shares screen with answer key. Detail task: Now let’s listen again. This time you will be answering a series of short answer questions. After we listen to the audio, we will have 3 minutes to compare our answers with our partners. Here is the link to the Qs: https://forms.gle/3HERteTXazQMeWkW6 T: Now let’s listen to the audio again. You can answer the Qs while you listen, then we’ll go to the breakout rooms to compare your answers with a partner for 3 minutes. ICQ: Are we going to be answering the questions while we listen? [yes] ICQ: Are we answering them individually? [yes] ICQ: Are we answering multiple choice questions? [no, short answer] ICQ: How many minutes will we have to compare our answers with our partners? [3 minutes] T plays audio, Ss answer short answer Qs. T send Ss to breakout rooms to compare answers. T shares screen with answer key.

Post-Listening (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

T: Okay, now let’s practice speaking! With your partner, you will role play. One of you (Student A) will be the travel agent. The other (Student B) will be planning a last-minute holiday. You can use the questions and vocabulary you learned from the audio, or you can make up new questions! Please refer to the instructions and the ‘Useful Language’ tips that I will send now in the chat. [Send images of instructions & useful language in chat.] Let’s take 7 minutes to role play. If you finish creating a dialogue, you can switch, and the other person can be the travel agent. ICQ: Are we going to be writing a text? [no, we’re doing a role play]] ICQ: Are we working with a partner? [yes] ICQ: How many minutes will we have to role play with our partners? [7 minutes] T send Ss to breakout rooms.

Feedback and DEC (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback and delayed error correction.

T calls Ss back to the main session. T addresses good language and errors noted while monitoring in breakout rooms and elicits Ss to share their dream holidays. T thanks Ss for their time and their hard work and says goodnight :)

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