
Abc Google Slides presentation
Abc Google Jamboard
Abc Google Form Questions
Abc Google docs student task
Abc Google slides Student task

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of a writing a postcard in the context of travel experiences

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce the concept of different registers and lexis in different genres of writing


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T says hello and asks Ss how they are feeling T displays slide 1 and asks a few Ss Where would you like to go post-Covid? Who do you write to while on holiday? When you write on paper, what do you send? A postcard T tells Ss If my sister could come to Venice to visit me. this month. I imagine this is what she might write. T shows Ss the model of a postcard to familiarise them with the text and asks them to read it quickly. 1 minute. T asks the students: Would you rather go to a cafe' in St.mark's Square or go to the Venice Film Festival? Why? T conducts OCFB with 1 student.

Text analysis (10-12 minutes) • To provide Ss with a model text and allow them to identify the layout and language needed for the coming writing task

T tells Ss: Now we are going to look at how to write a postcard. T sends Ss link to Jamboard through the chat T demos the task with one student. Ss do the matching task: layout and organization of the text. T conducts OCFB (and shows key to Jamboard 1, if necessary) T tells Ss: Now we will look at the language you need. T tells students to look at Jamboard slide 2: narrative tenses. T demos the task with one student. Ss underline the past, present, and future actions in the text. T conducts OCFB (and shows the key to Jamboard slide 2, if necessary) T asks Ss: When you write a postcard, do you use formal or informal language? Informal. Now, we will look at how we do this. T sends Ss a link through the chat to Google Form. T demos the first question with one student. T puts Ss into breakout rooms. Ss do the questions in pairs. T brings Ss back from breakout rooms and conducts OCFB. T shows key to Google Forms questions, if necessary

Writing (15-15 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to practice writing a postcard

T: Now you are going to write your own postcard. T shows Ss slide 9 and reminds students of content and layout of postcard. T shows students slide 10 and tells students to follow the template. T demos the opening and closing of the postcard. T sends Ss a link to a Google Slides document through chat. Each student has their own page in the presentation. T tells Ss to write their name in the box provided in each Google Slide. T tells Ss they have 15 minutes to write their postcard. T tells Ss to ask for help if they get stuck. T tells students to signal if they finish before the time is over T monitors Ss' work through the link and takes note of any errors for later FB.

Feedback and Error Correction (10-12 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' writing and use of language

T tells students: You will now read each other's postcard. T shows Ss slide 11 T: Look at your partner's postcard to see if it includes the information on the checklist. T tells Ss they will need to share their screens to share their work when they get to the breakout rooms. T sends Ss Google doc checklist: There are 10 pages. You each have one. Please write your name on yours. ICQs. Do you read your own work or your partner's? Your partner's How long do you have? 5 mins. T sends Ss to breakout rooms to do the task. You have 5 minutes. T monitors Ss in breakout rooms. T brings Ss back from breakout rooms. T conducts OCFB and asks Ss for FB about partner's work Did your partner go anywhere interesting? (content) Did they write 3 paragraphs? (organisation) T puts up some errors and asks Ss to correct them/ reformulate them for 2 mins. T thanks students and says goodbye.

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