Marius Marius

TP 5 Speaking
Elementary level


In this lessons students will be introduced to new vocabulary and grammar to assist them in speaking fluently and accurately about their daily routines.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of daily routines

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification, review and practice of days of the week, times of the day, telling and typical daily routines
  • To provide review and practice of verbs, nouns and prepositions in simple phrases in the context of daily routines


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher introduces himself to the class. Script: "Hello everyone! My name is Marius. Can you say my name? (wait for response) This is my daily routine." Teacher shows daily routine slides. On each slide the Teacher elicits the students to guess what is happening in the pictures (gifs). Script: "What is happening here?" (wait for response or ask a learner directly) "When is it happening?" Teacher elicits the learners to repeat some sentences. Ensure to point/highlight the times when the activities occur.

Exposure/Pre-teach Vocab (6-10 minutes) • To familiarize the learners with the vocabulary content of the lesson.

Teacher shares their screen with the class ensuring that all students can see the his/her screen. Using a Jamboard file the teacher reviews the Days of the Week, Telling the Time, Times of the Day and Daily routines. Each task is a matching exercise to review the ideas of time and the vocabulary needed in the lesson. Each first match is to be done by the teacher as an example. Script: "Do you know the days of the week? I will do the first one, Day 1 is Sunday. What's next?" (use similar structure for each page)

Useful Language/MFP (6-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Teacher reads each portion of the sentence slowly while pointing at the pictures in the slide. Script: "to visit friends ....(point at picture of friends) three o'clock...(point at picture of clock)" Teacher similarly shows how each word is broken up and categorized into verb+noun+preposition+noun. Teacher asks students what they thing verbs, nouns and prepositions are. Script: "What is a verb? (wait for response) A verb is an action word! What is a noun? (wait for response) A noun is a person/place/thing. What is a preposition? (wait for response) A preposition tells us when or where something is." Combine the words by reading the phrase 2-3 times, increasing speed and eliciting pronunciation from the learners. Teacher shows second slide. Script: "to visit Grandma on Sunday. Speak to each other in pairs in chat (place in Breakout Rooms if applicable). Which is the verb, the noun and the preposition. You have 2 mins" Teacher then asks one student from each group what their answers were and do OCF. Perform the MFP as done on previous slide (above) Teacher shows prepositions in circles with clouds containing nouns. The first noun for each prepositions is to be done as an example. Teacher asks learners to think of 1-2 other examples that are compatible with the respective preposition. Script: "'at' is a preposition, the nouns that goes together with 'at' are time nouns, 5 o'clock, 7 o'clock. What other times do you know? (wait for response)" Teacher adds 'at' to the beginning of any examples given by learners and asks that they repeat the phrase. Teacher uses this structure for prepositions 'in', 'on' and 'every'. Teacher revises the formula/rule of verb+noun+preposition+noun and have class repeat it. Teacher reads examples 1 & 2. Teacher asks students to speak in pairs to make a phrase using the formula/rule. Script: Work in pairs. Make a phrase just like the example, use a verb, noun, preposition noun. You have 2 mins"

Productive Task (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Teacher shares screen and shows the Controlled Task questionnaire. Teacher gives the link to the task via Zoom chat. Teacher instructs students to choose the right answer. Script: "Choose the right answer. You have 3 minutes" (If sharing of the task is not possible then the teacher shows the task on his/her screen and asks each learner to answer one question) When learners are done they are to share their answers with each other via Zoom chat. Perform OCF where needed or if applicable. Teacher instructs learners to think of a few things they do every day for 1 minute. Teacher instructs learners to work in pairs to tell each other what their daily routines are. Script: "For 1 minute think about what you do every day (wait for 1 minute). Now in pairs I want you to speak to each other about your daily routine. You have 5 minutes" Teachers monitors rooms and notes errors for later DEC. On every 5 minute marker the teacher rotates a learner with another partner. Teacher rotates a total of 3 times. (if Breakout Rooms are not possible then they may speak to each other pair by pair and if time permits continue to rotate) Monitor for correct verb location in the formula/rule, as well as proper preposition & noun usage.

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Perform DEC on any errors noticed during the monitoring of the speaking task. Ask any further CCQ's to ensure understanding

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