Sidney Sidney

Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will be able to practice their receptive skills (reading) in the context of celebrities.


Main Aims

  • To provide detailed reading practice in the context of celebrities
  • To provide gist reading practice using a text in the context of celebrities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of fame and notoriety lexis in the context of celebrities


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will begin by showing students Google slide (2) with celebrity selfie on it and asking them if they remember this photo (from 2014) and what the people in the photo are doing.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Teacher tells students that we are going to look at a few words that have to do with celebrities. Teacher will use vocabulary on Google Slides 3-6 to cover MFP of target language and make the reading material more accessible to students by removing potential barriers to understanding. Teacher will go through each sample of the target language and use CCQs to elicit guided discovery of meaning and form. (Teacher may need to nominate students if certain voices are dominating the classroom or not participating as much.) Finally, teacher uses the written pronunciation and stress symbols to assist in drilling students in pronunciation. // "In/out of the public eye" Meaning: Well-known to people in general CCQs: If I’m in the public eye, does that mean that I’m very famous? (Yes) Does being in the public eye mean that I’m well-liked? (Not necessarily) If I was in the public eye and now, I’m out of it, did I become more or less popular? (Less) Form: Phrase/idiom (fixed) Pronunciation: /pʌblɪk aɪ/ Sentence stress on content words: “public” and “eye.” // "Taken with" Meaning: To like something very much CCQs: If I’m taken with someone, does that mean that we’re friends or that I like things about them? (That I like them) Can you be taken with someone that you don’t know? (Yes) Pronunciation: /ˈteɪkən wɪð/ Syllable stress on “taken” // "Obsessed with" Meaning: Considering something important to an extreme degree CCQs: Is “obsessed with” stronger or weaker than “taken with?” (Stronger) Form: Collocation Obsessed with (fixed) + noun Pronunciation: Obsessed with /əbˈsest wɪð/ Syllable stress on second syllable of “obsessed” // "Identification with" Meaning: A feeling that you are closely connected to a group or person CCQs: Am I talking about identification like a passport or driver’s licence? (no) If you identify with someone, do you have things in common? (Yes) Can you identify with a group of people? (Yes) Form: Identification with (fixed) + noun Pronunciation: Identification /aɪˌdentɪfɪˈkeɪʃən wɪð/ Syllable stress on second to last syllable of “identification.”

While-Reading #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Teacher tells students that they will spend five minutes reading an article for general information (Daily Mail article) and sends them the link to the article on Google Drive. When five minutes are up, the teacher will send students a link to Google Forms - Gist and ask students to spend 2 minutes answering the questions. Afterwards, students will be asked to check their answers, in pairs, over private message (2 minutes). Teacher will follow with OCFC by asking students what answers they got before moving on to the reading for detail task.

While-Reading #2 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Teacher will send Google Form - Detail to students and ask them to spend 3 minutes reading the article again for detailed information. When they are done reading, students will be asked to answer the Google Form as they did in Reading #1. Afterwards, students are asked to check one another's answers over private message before OCFB.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Teacher tells students that they're going to talk in pairs about the article: "I'm going to put you in breakout rooms and you're going to spend five minutes talking about whether you disagree with the article; do you think people are too obsessed with celebrities? Why or why not?" Teacher monitors discussions and makes notes of good language use and areas of improvement for DEC. After the breakout room closes, the teacher will use observations to provide OCFB and DEC/language upgrades.

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