Mohamed Atef Mohamed Atef

Work hard, play hard!
Elementary level


In this lesson, the teacher will teach vocabulary as a main aim, and listening as a sub aim. The vocabulary will be about the seasons and some sports. The teacher will start the lesson with a lead-in that would help him elicit the four seasons' names from the students. Then, the teacher will revise with students the months of the year, and ask them to find which months belong to which seasons. After that, the teacher will go through a practice in the handout that has to do with some sports. Then, the students will listen to an audio record for specific information to complete a chart with some sports and seasons. Afterwards, the teacher will quickly ask the students to suggest what things he likes doing, aiming at eliciting the form of the gerund after the verb like. Finally, the students will practice all what they will have learnt in the lesson in a final task that helps them use the form of like plus gerund and talk about seasons as well. The teacher will give CCQs and ICQs whenever demanded. These ICQs and CCQs are mentioned in detail in the procedure stage.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of Seasons in the context of Sports

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information listening practice using a text about Free time activities in the context of activities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher will show the students four pictures of four seasons. The teacher will ask the students to guess what each picture is for. Then, the teacher will elicit the word "seasons" through sowing the students two pictures next to each other; on is for the sea and the other is for a son.

Concept checking, drilling, and writing. (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The teacher will check if the students really understand the meanings of the seasons' names that he will have already guessed. The teacher will ask CCQs like "Is it hot in winter? Is it cold in summer? Do tree leaves fall in the spring? Are there flowers in the autumn?" After that, the teacher will get the students to drill the words chorally and individually. Afterwards, the teacher will write each word of the four seasons on the board and elicit from the students the which syllables are the stressed in each word. summer /'sʌmə/ spring /sprɪŋ/ winter /'wɪntə/ autumn /'ɔːtəm/

Highlighting (4-7 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher will use the ECDW technique one more time to teach some certain vocabulary. The teacher will elicit the words golf, cinema, listening to music, windsurfing, skiing and cycling from the students through telling the students a short story "I have some activities that I like to do in summer like playing ...... (golf), .............. (cycling), and ................... (windsurfing), but in the winter I like ............... (listening to music), ................ (watching movies in the cinema), and ......................... (skiing). Then, the teacher will use CCQs to check understanding. Such questions would be like "Where do we watch movies? What sport can be played on snow? Riding a bicycle is ............ We can listen to ................." After that, the teacher will drill the words with the students chorally and then individually. Finally, the teacher will write the words on the board and elicit from the students which syllables are stressed.

Controlled Practice (3-5 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher will give the students some handouts and ask them to do exercise 3 in pairs, as they will match each word to its picture. Then, they will check their answers in groups before the teacher gives them the model answer. The teacher will monitor during the practice to make sure that all students are working.

Freer Practice (3-4 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will ask the students in pairs to find out three summer sports and three winter sports and group them in the handout. Then, they will check their answers in groups. After that, the teacher will give them the model answer handout for feedback.

Pre listening teaching vocabulary (5-6 minutes) • To get the students ready to listen and practise

The teacher will elicit the words Christmas, skier, gym, outdoor, indoor and cookery program from the students by showing them some visuals. Then, the teacher will use CCQs like "What do people celebrate on December 25th? Who goes skiing is a ........... We lift weights in the ................... We play football ..................... but we sleep .................... To learn cooking, we can watch a .........................." After that, the teacher drills the words chorally and then individually before he writes the words on the board.

Listening for specific information (5-6 minutes) • To enable students to develop their ability to listen for specific information. Moreover, to build students' confidence and check their comprehension.

The teacher will ask the students to listen to the audio record about Andy, Roger, Linda, Ben and Josh, and Sandra and Brian to complete the chart in the handout given to them with some information about what they like doing and when they do what they like. Then, the students will check their answers in pairs. The teacher may play the record again if needed. After that the teacher will give the the model answer handout for the feedback.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

The teacher will elicit from the students the form of like + gerund through asking them to answer in group the question "What do you think I like doing?". Then, the teacher will use CCQs like "Can I say I like play football? What do we add to the verb after like?" Then, the teacher will write the form on the board.

Freer Practice (3-5 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

The teacher will ask the students to ask and answer each other about the things they like doing. The students will follow the model that the teacher gives on the board. The teacher will monitor while the students practice.

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