Nick Nick

TP #6 Writing
Lower intermediate level


In this lesson, students will practice writing in the context of giving their own opinion about different forms, practices, or ideas about shopping


Abc Student handbook New-Cutting Edge Pre-intermediate

Main Aims

  • To provide students with practice of writing their opinion under the general context of shopping

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students with lexis pertaining to shopping


Lead-In (4-6 minutes) • To open the topic of online shopping and the student's opinion of it

T-S introduction T introduces topic with google slides. T asks students to consider following questions: Do you like to shop online? Why or why not? What is the last thing you bought online? Do you prefer to shop online or in store? Students can write in chat or verbally reply. Students consider reasoning why online shopping is good or bad. Students use google forms to answer if reasons are for or against online shopping

Layout (6-8 minutes) • Students read email opinion on online shopping to familiarize themselves with formulating opinions.

T introduces topic by showing slide on Canadian newspapers asking for readers to send emails in on their opinions on online shopping. Students read email Students respond to Google Forms exercises. Gist - Is the writer for or against online shopping? Skim - From the previous list of reasons covered in the first google forms, which does Harry also agree with. Methods to organize ideas - match the ideas to paragraphs

Formulaic Language (6-8 minutes) • Students familiarize with language that will help them formulate ideas.

Students match words/phrases that Harry uses to the appropriate paragraphs such as: Firstly, My second point, finally, in my opinion. - Meaning/Form Students match connecting words that Harry uses to their correct use. Giving examples, giving opinion, contrast, results. - Meaning/Form Go over formulaic language and format on google slides. Format of paragraphs and what language fits Language to use arguments

Parallel Writing (4-6 minutes) • Students examine another email and complete sections of the text.

Students read second email on online shopping opinion. - Google Forms Students choose the best responses to complete the opinion.

Freer Writing (10 minutes) • To give students a chance to practice formulating their opinion

Students receive google docs with four question prompts on the topic of shopping/commercialism. Students formulate their own opinions on one of the topics: - Big shopping centres are better than streets of shops. - Everyone should have a credit card. - Children should have lessons about spending and saving money at school. - Online shopping will replace in store shopping almost completely.

DEC - compare opinions and corrections (5 minutes) • Students compare their writing while also receiving any necessary opinions

Class covers opinions, discussing what topic they chose, wrote and discussed. Texts will be in google docs for class to examine. T provides DEC.

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