Zoë Heyn-Jones Zoë Heyn-Jones

CELTA TP5 31 July 2020


Main Aims

  • To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of describing people.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To increase students’ lexical range in the context of describing people.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To contextualise the lesson and activate background knowledge.

T greets Ss and welcomes them to class. [Title slide] T: Shows image(s) of profiles - dating, LinkedIn, FB, etc.. “Does anyone know what these are?” [Profiles slide] T: What are profiles used for? [Describing ourselves. Sometimes we do it in different ways. Photos are used so that we don’t have to describe our physical appearance. Sometimes we do describe our appearance. Sometimes we describe our personality, or our work experience, for example. Slide: Q: How would you describe yourself? T: I would like you to work with a partner. Imagine you are helping each other to create a profile. Describe yourself to your partner. Your partner can ask questions and take notes. You can use these words to help you: Slide: Description vocabulary: hair colour, height, haircut, eye colour, age, body shape, etc. T: I will demonstrate with ___ (ask a colleague). “___, how tall are you?” “___, what colour eyes do you have?” T: “___ is tall/short. They have ___ eyes.” T: Okay, let’s take 3 minutes to talk in pairs” ICQ: Are we working individually or in pairs? [in pairs] ICQ: How many minutes do we have? [3 minutes] T sends Ss to breakout rooms, monitoring to take notes for DEC. Ss return to the main session for OCFB. T nominates one or two Ss to share their descriptions of their partners, and takes notes for DEC.

Content Preparation (6-8 minutes) • To allow learners to come up with ideas and/or concepts which support the completion of the task.

T gets Ss attention. T: “now I would like you to work with your partner to brainstorm other ways to describe people.” T shows image [Bjork]. “For example, in this image we see the musician Bjork. We can say: This person is a woman. She has a tattoo on her arm. She has black hair. She is wearing a white dress that looks like a swan. She is wearing white shoes. Etc. T shows other images of famous people. “You can look at these pictures for help.” T: Let’s take 3 minutes to brainstorm in pairs” ICQ: Are we working individually or in pairs? [in pairs] ICQ: How many minutes do we have? [3 minutes] T sends Ss to breakout rooms, monitoring to take notes for DEC. Ss return to the main session for OCFB. T writes list on Google slide, and adds any remaining important vocabulary.

Language Preparation (6-8 minutes) • To provide input on useful language which can help learners complete the speaking task.

T gets Ss attention. T: “Thanks everyone! I’m going to send you a link in the chat” T sends a link to Google Form “Describing People.” Please choose the best response to each question. Example: Question: "What colour is her hair?" Answer: Red T: Let’s take 2 minutes to individually choose the best response to each question. ICQ: Are we working individually or in pairs? [individually] ICQ: How many minutes do we have? [2 minutes] T sends Ss to breakout rooms, monitoring to take notes for DEC. Ss return to the main session for OCFB. T goes through answers, eliciting the target language from Ss. What does he / she look like? How is…? What’s he / she like? Using the verb to be (Age) How old is she? (Height) How tall is he? Using the verb to have Does he have a beard? Does she have green eyes? Using verb in -ing form Using Wearing etc.

Speaking Task(s) (10-15 minutes) • To provide opportunities for learners to practice speaking for fluency in a communicative manner.

T gets Ss attention. T: “Okay, now we’re going to play a game! Does anyone know the game Guess Who? This was a classic in Canada when I was growing up!” T elicits instructions from Ss. If no one knows the game, T gives instructions. T: “You each have the game board with the people and their names. Each player chooses a person - but keep it secret! This is your “Mystery Person.” The first person to guess your partner’s Mystery Person wins! In order to find out who your partner’s Mystery Person is, you have to ask ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions. Such as: Is your person wearing a hat? Is your person bald? Is your person a woman? Etc. After each guess, you eliminate the people who don’t apply. For instance, if I ask “Is your person wearing a hat?” and the answer is ‘no’ then I eliminate all the people wearing hats. When you are ready, you can guess who your partner’s Mystery Person is. If you guess correctly, you win!” T demonstrates with a CELTA colleague. T: “Now we’re going to play with our same partners. I sent an email with the game board as a pdf and jpeg file. You can use whichever one works for you. I like to use the jpeg, since I can use the pen tool in Preview to mark.” T: “We have five minutes to play the first round with our partners.” ICQ: Are we playing individually or in pairs? [In pairs] ICQ: How many minutes do we have? [5 minutes] T sends Ss to breakout rooms, monitoring to take notes for DEC. Ss return to the main session. T sends different game boards for rounds 2 and 3, if time permits. T sends Ss to breakout rooms, monitoring to take notes for DEC. Ss return to the main session.

Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (5-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T addresses good language and errors noted while monitoring in breakout rooms. T thanks Ss for their time and their hard work and says goodnight :)

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