Silvina Silvina

TP7 Grammar
upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will work on contrasting infinitives and gerunds in two categories: verbs followed by either infinitive or gerund and prepositions followed by a gerund. Ss will be led through eliciting during analysis and guided discovery to get to the rule. Ss will work in pairs during the analysis and also all together. Ss will practice both individually and in pairs.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of infinitives and gerunds in the context of checking dating app profiles

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in uses of infinitive vs. gerund in the context of a first date/meeting.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows Slide 1 and says: What do you think this is about" and give Ss a minute to think and share their thoughts. Right after, shows Slide 2 and asks, "and this, what do you think these pictures are?" Answer: Dating apps profiles. What do you think about dating apps? T asks and gives another minute to Ss to share thoughts.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T shows slide 3 and ask ss to read those 3 profiles silently. They have 3-4 minutes for that. After reading, T asks: which one is the most interesting? which one is funny or not good at all?

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Still on slide 3, T asks: Before continuing, let's refresh what is an INFINITIVE form and a GERUND. Answer: Inf is a verb form with TO eg: to walk to listen. Gerunds are verbs forms ending in _ing. E.g: walking, listening, etc. T instructs students to "highlight" orally all infinitives and gerunds they can find. First infinitives and after gerunds. T bolds each of them as Ss name them. T makes sure all are covered.

Clarification (1-2 minutes) • To clarify the meaning of the target language

MEANING: Slide 3/4 T asks St about certain parts of the three texts checking the meaning of structures e.g: "I'm really good at pottering" What does pottering mean?" "I'm crazy about running" CCQs: What’s another way to say this phrase? I love running What other things you can be crazy about? Any hobby you really enjoy "I learned to drive last year" CCQ: What else people can learn to do? Learn to swim, to sing, to speak English, to walk, to cook "I enjoy spending evenings at home" CCQs: Is enjoying something positive? YES Spending here means the same as spending money? No What’s another way to say this phrase? I enjoy being at home in the evenings

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the form of the target language

Slide 5 T asks Ss to pay attention to the bolded words. Infinitives and gerunds. "As we can see, we use them all the time and today we will analyze when to use them" "This is a long topic, we will not cover it all today, but let's figure it out what is going on here" T elicits what are the words before the infinitive and gerunds marked. T expects Ss to say some of the conjugated verbs and prepositions. T shows slide 6 and asks: what kind of words are? Before giving Ss confirmation of their answers, T instructs Ss to open a Google Doc with the texts and a rule set to complete. They will work in pairs in Breakout rooms for two minutes to discuss the rule and complete the chart. T conducts OCFB to confirm they all have the right answers. T shows slide 8 T makes sure they understand after a conjugated verb it is arbitrary and they may need to learn it by practicing as they already know many without noticing Finally, T shows slide 9 elicits the structure of the 3 target language (one each case) and quickly shows Slide 10 with a list of SOME prepositions, to refresh Ss knowledge.

Clarification (1-2 minutes) • To clarify the pronunciation of the target language

T shows slide 11 with target language to analyze sentence stress, intonation, and some features of connected speech such as linkings or weak forms. 1- I enjoy spending evenings ⃕ at home /aɪ ɛnˈʤɔɪ ˈspɛndɪŋ ˈivnɪŋzət hoʊm/ Ss may have problems making the /ŋ/ sound on _ing Solution: model the sound and drill chorally 2- I learned to drive last year /aɪ lɜrnd tə draɪv læst jɪr/ Ss may have problems making the /d/ sound on _ed. They may confuse it with /t/ = /lɜrnt/ and make it sound like present tense /lɜrn tə draɪv/ Solution: model the sound and drill chorally 3- I’m crazy about running /aɪm ˈkreɪzi əˈbaʊt ˈrʌnɪŋ/ Ss may have problems making the /ŋ/ sound on _ing Solution: model the sound and drill chorally

Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shows slide 12 and instructs Ss to open a GForm with an activity to do Individually. T will share the link on public chat. "you will read three answers, one for each profile" and add while showing on-screen "you will find two options (inf or ger) of each number. Pay attention to the rule we analyzed before and choose the right one" "You have 6 minutes" ICQ: Are you working alone? Yes Can you check your answers right after? Yes After time is up, T instructs to check in pairs via Private chat for a minute. T conducts OCFB checking answers and clarifying any error in order to prepare Ss for freer practice.

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(extra if time allows) T shows slides 13 and 14 with a list of verbs followed by infinitive or gerund. T shows slide 15 and explain the next activity: "Now you will pretend you are on a date with a match. You will ask questions to know more about each other. You have this list on the shared doc, can you see it?" "Of course, you don't need to tell the truth! just have fun and use the language we analyzed today! You have 6 minutes" T sends Ss to breakout rooms and monitors their activity.

DEC (3-4 minutes) • To give delayed correction with examples good and bad language

T congratulates Ss for their good job on Breakout Rooms and gives some examples of good language and elicits correction for the errors. T thanks for their time and gives control to next teacher to continue the class.

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