Pinar Ucak Pinar Ucak

Staying in a Hotel, Vocabulary and Speaking Lesson
Pre- intermediate level


In this lesson, the students focus on the new words for "Staying in a Hotel." First, a concept is introduced to the sts and the words are elicited from the students using eliciting questions and realia. Then concept checking questions are asked to the sts to check their comprehension. The sts drill the new words chorally and individually. They focus on the pronunciation and word stress and re-elicit the words. Finally, the sts are given freer speaking practice to improve their fluency.


Abc Hotel Facilities Flashcards
Abc Photos of cheap and luxury hotels
Abc Questions to start the last discussion handout
Abc Families staying in a hotel handout

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of room and hotel facilities words in the context of travel.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a dicussion in the context of staying in a hotel.


Lead- in (7-10 minutes) • To enable students to relax and start feeling comfortable . To provide students with speaking practice.

First of all I will ask the sts how their weekend was. I will start with the photos of cheap and luxury seaside hotels and to start a discussion I will write two questions on the board. The questions are; - What are the reasons that people stay in hotels? - What differences are there between very cheap hotels and luxury hotels? Then I will tell the sts that they are going to stay in a seaside hotel in a nearby country like in the photos. I will ask them to work in groups of three and discuss and agree on the five most important things that the hotel must have.

Pre- teaching of Vocabulary (10-15 minutes) • To enable students to learn vocabulary which is essential for the speaking practice.

First of all, I will introduce the concept which is staying in a hotel. Then I will stick the flashcards which have categories and the words about hotel on the board. I will ask them to put the words under the correct category in pairs. Then I will check understanding of some of the words; When people stay in a hotel, they prefer the rooms with air conditioning. - Do we need air conditioning in summer? - use realia (show the air conditioning in the classroom) In most of our apartments, we have central heating system. - Do we need it when the weather is cold ? - Do we need it only in winter? The hotel is in an amazing countryside near the sea. - Is the hotel in the city center? - Are there any huge buildings in countryside? - Do millions of people live in countryside? Is it crowded? In the morning I came up to the 5th floor in the lift. - Is it electronic? - Is taking a lift less tiring? - Do you waste your energy in a lift? In the hotels they also have twin rooms and couples prefer to stay in these rooms. - Is there only one bed in twin rooms? - Can two people stay in a twin room? I will help them with the pronunciation of the trickier words. I will focus on word stress, re-eliciting the words and drilling. These words are; - 'air con|di¦tion|ing /ɛː kənˈdɪʃ(ə)nɪŋ/ - cen|tral 'heat|ing /sɛntr(ə)l ˈhiːtɪŋ/ - 'coun¦try|side /ˈkʌntrɪsʌɪd/

Controlled Speaking Practice (5-7 minutes) • To practice the use of target words in the context of staying in a hotel.

The students will work in pairs and do the exercise 2 on page 48. they will choose the four most important facilities from the board for the following people in the exercise 2. They will practice the target words during this task. I will monitor the students and then give WC FB.

Semi- Controlled Speaking Practice (10-15 minutes) • To reinforce sts for practicing the use of the target words in the context of staying in a hotel.

The students will work in pairs again. Each pair will have seven questions from exercise 4 on page 48. They will think about the best hotel they have stayed in then they will start a discussion by asking these seven questions to their partners. At the end of the task, we will share our ideas as WC.

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