Rylee Rylee

TP 3 Grammar
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn the past simple passive based on the survey related to the history of inventions. The lesson starts with a discussion about the recent inventions. Then, the students have to notice the target language in the survey and do guided analysis of the language. Finally, there is a controlled practice of the target language and a free practice for learners to use the language.


Abc Text
Abc Controlled practice
Abc Riddle Writing

Main Aims

  • To analyse and practice the use of past simple passive in the context of inventions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide a riddle writing practice in the context of inventions using simple past passive.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T displays photos the greatest invention in the 211st century and elicits from them: In your opinion, what is the greatest invention of the 21st century? - Ss discuss in the breakout rooms.

Text Work (Gist + Intensive Task) (8-10 minutes) • To get students “identify” and notice the target language.

- T asks ss to read and complete the survey individually. - T reviews the answer with ss. - T asks the students to notice the verb pattern by filling in the chart. - T elicits by asking: What tense is used? What voice is used? - Ss notice the target language: past simple passive.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning: - T asks the students the fill in the verb of past simple passive and past form of the verb in two sentences. e.g. The first dark glasses ___________(by) Chinese judges. Chinese judges __________ the first dark glasses. - By compare and contrast, ss have to find out that the position of subject and object has changed. - T guides the ss to think about why we use past simple passive. (We want to emphasize the person or thing acted on. It is our main topic.) - T guides the ss to think about when we use past simple passive. (To describe process and procedures.) - T asks questions and checks ss understanding. CCQs: Do we use passive voice in reporting scientific experiment? Do we use passive voice in daily conversations? Affirmative Form: - T asks the students the fill in the verb of past simple passive and past form of the verb in two sentences. e.g. The first dark glasses ___________(by) Chinese judges. Chinese judges __________ the first dark glasses. - By compare and contrast, ss have to find out that the verb pattern has changed - T asks the verb pattern of past simple passive. - Ss answer in the chat box. - T asks ss when we use was/were and highlights the nouns. - Ss have to circle the answers. E.g. We use “was” when the subject is singular/plural. We use “were” when the subject is singular/plural. Negative Form: - T displays a sentence in affirmative form and asks the ss to change it to negative form. - T elicits the rules. (insert "not") Questions Form: - T displays a sentence in affirmative form and asks the ss to change it to question form. - T elicits the rules. (Swap the subject and ‘was’ or ‘were’) Pronunciation: - T drills the pronunciation with ss, especially the /ɪd/, /d/ and /t/. - Ss have to identify the no. of syllables and stress.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- Ss have to choose the best form to complete the sentences individually. - Ss discuss the answers in the breakout rooms. - T checks the answers.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- Work in groups, ss have to think of an invention and write 2-3 sentences as a riddle using the target language in the breakout rooms. - T demonstrates how to write the riddles before the ss are sent to the breakout rooms. - Ss share the riddles on the google doc and solve the other group's riddle.

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