Lilia Lilia

TP3 Lilia
Pre- Intermidate level


In this students will learn modals of obligation and necessity. This learning will be guided and based on a gist activity of dragging the picture that matches the description. This is followed by a Clarification where T covers MFP. Then, Ss practice the TL on a Controlled Practice of filling the blanks. Finally, Ss will practice the TL on a Speaking activity.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of modals of obligation (must, mustn't, have to and don't have to) in the context of daily life

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice with the TL in a conversation in the context of daily life obligations


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T will share the screen with Ss (1 min) - T will show a Google Slide with the following question: What are you allowed and not allowed to do in a movie theater? - T asks: 1. Okay, guys so do you have to discuss on breakout rooms or by private message? 2. Is it a speaking or a writing activity? - Ss discuss in breakout rooms (2 mins) - T monitors breakout rooms - T nominates 2 students to give their answers (1-2 min)

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

- T shares the screen to show the activity to the Ss - T explains the activity: Ss drag the image with the sentence that matches the description. - T shows students how to work on the document. T does the first exercise with them - T sets time (1-2 mins) - T asks ICQ: 1. Guys do you have 3 or 2 minutes? 2. So do you have to move the picture or fill in the blank? - T sends the Google Slide's link - Ss work on the task - Ss work on private chat to send their answers. (1 min) - Feedback: T nominates Ss to give the correct answers (2 mins)

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T shares screen with Ss Meaning: - T explains that they are going to talk about the meaning of the highlighted words of the previous exercise. - T elicit students to figure out the meaning by themselves before T explains. - T asks CCQ's to students so that they can have a better understanding of the meaning Meaning: (Have to) 1. Is it an obligation or a suggestion? Obligation 2. Is this an obligation you put to yourself or is there someone else who gives you this obligation? someone else. The light company gives this obligation to you (Don't have to) 1. Does this look like an obligation or a lack of obligation? 2. Does it mean that you can still pay to see this? Yes you can, but it is not an obligation (Must) 1. Is it essential or is it an obligation? It is essential, but not an obligation 2. If I say: I must stop smoking. Is this a personal obligation or an obligation that someone else gives to me? Personal obligation. (Mustn't) 1. Is it talking about something that is allowed or not allowed? 2. Can I say I mustn't ate in the museum? or is it better I mustn't eat in the museum? Form (Have to) 1. Okay, guys so what is "she" in this sentence "She has to work"? Is it the subject or a pronoun? 2. In this same sentence, what is "has"? 3. And finally what is "to work"? is it a gerund or an infinitive? (Must) 1. In the sentence " I must go home" What is "I"? Is it a pronoun or a subject? 2. In this same sentence, what is "must"? Is it a verb or a modal auxiliary verb? 3. And what is "go"? Is it a verb on its base form or a verb in its infinitive mode? 4. And finally what "home" stands for? Is it the complement of the sentence or is it a noun? Pronunciation (Have to) 1. How many syllables does "have to" has? Two 2. Where is the stress? Is in the first syllable (DonĀ“t have to) 1. How many syllables does "Don't have to" has? Three 2. Where is the stress? First and second. (Must) 1. How many syllables does "must" have? One 2. Where is the stress? (Mustn't) 1. Where is the stress of the word "mustn't"? 2. Listen to my pronunciation *teacher pronounce the word* what letter disappears on the pronunciation? - T will show students the IPA of each word and repeat the word couple times so that they know how to pronounce it - Then the T will nominate Ss so that they can pronounce the words individually

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T will shares her screen with students (1 min) - T will explain to students that they have to write the correct answer in the blank space - T makes the first exercise with them. - T sets time ( 5 minutes) - T asks: 1. Guys, do you have to write the correct answer or is it a multiple-choice exercise? 2. Do you have 3 or 5 minutes to work on this exercise? - T sends link - Ss work on the exercise - Ss work on private chat to send their answers to a partner (1 min) - Feedback: T nominates students to give the answers to her (2 min)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T shares screen with students - T nominates a Ss to read the sentence for her: What things do you have to and must do on your life? - T explains that they are going to be sent to breakout rooms where they will have 2 minutes to discuss - Ss work on breakout rooms - T nominates Ss to give their answers (2 min) - T conducts Feedback and DEC (2 min) - T conducts DEC (4 min)

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