Muktar Hirsi Muktar Hirsi


Abc Materials

Main Aims

  • To help provide fluency communication about the lesson topic. to help Practice and Revise Words to Describe Feelings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide additional opportunity for practising speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T takes the learners attention T ensures that learners understand the term Feelings T asks students questions on how they feel in different circumstances. T introduces different instances such as when one loses their purse or if one misses attending their English class due to lateness, the feeling the SS have just before an important test T tries to discuss these instances with the SS to help them get effective words that are appropriate for describing feelings encountered. If necessary T will put SS in the breakout room.

Language Preparation (7-8 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

The teacher asks SS to talk about the topic words that describe feelings. In their talk, SS is supposed to talk about the topic in terms of the examples on page 19 of the SB SS is supposed to describe the feeling of each picture by the use of the words that are provided in the box above the pictures. SS will do task 1 through Google Form. They have to choose one of the pictures that match with words to describe feelings and after completing this quiz, they can compare their answers in the breakout room if necessary. Task 1 Through Google form (

MFP (10-12 minutes) • Meaning, Form . Pronunciation

T helps learners in Pronunciation and explains the meaning of the words commonly used in the description of feelings. T will ask students to complete this activity. Match the CAPITALIZED word (1-3) to the meaning (a-c). 1. That’s why I’m SURPRISED he let me talk to you. 2. He won’t go see a doctor, and Mom’s WORRIED about him. 3. They were ANGRY because their plans had been discovered. Worried /wər-ēd,ˈwə-rēd / -Adjective thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen; feeling afraid and unhappy. Surprised /sər-ˈprīzd, sə / -Adjective showing an emotion due to an unexpected event. Angry /aeng gri/- Adjective feeling or showing anger. After completing this activity SS will engage in the OCFB clarification of their answers.

CP (8-12 minutes) • To give student an easy task they can complete individually.

T will work with SS to read the words and mark the stress for the first three words. Disappointed. Excited Nervous T does this to help SS prepare for the next activity that they will complete individually. Task 2 through Google Form ( TT observes and assists the learners as needed.

FP (3-4 minutes) • T allows the learners to practice the language.

The instructor allows learners to understand the terms and to practice the language through Google slide, breakout room. Learners are supposed to use clear language. They are then supposed to practice communicating and using the language fluently. T conducts feedback and addresses any needed DEC Teacher thanks the students for their concentration and hard work and says goodbye as he leaves.

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