Adamantia Vasilopoulou Adamantia Vasilopoulou

TP4 - Functional language
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson Ss revise and review expressions used for giving suggestions and recommendations.


Main Aims

  • To provide review and practice of language used for giving advice and making suggestions in the context of choosing a country to study English in.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a problem solving discussion in the context of a family situation


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T greets Ss and the lesson starts. T introduces the topic by asking Ss if they are good at giving advice. After Ss respond, T shows Ss the situation (see material - slide n.1) and nominates some Ss to give solutions and/or advice.

Gist task (2-2 minutes) • To contextualise the Target Language

T tells Ss that they will have to skim a short text (see material - slide n.2) which is a piece of advice from Luigi to someone. Ss have to guess what the problem is and write their answer in the chat box for everyone to see it (1',30''). T asks: 'How much time do you have for this task?', 'What are you trying to guess?'.

Intensive task (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T tells Ss that they will go to Break Out Rooms in groups in order to scan a text silently. Then, they will have to work together to underline any expressions form the text used for giving advice (5'). T asks ICQs to make sure Ss have understood the task: 'How much time do you have for this task?', 'Are you going to scan the text silently?', 'Are you going to work together to find the expressions?'. T creates the Break Out Rooms and enters each one to give the link for the document. T monitors the procedure.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T tells Ss that they have to complete a questionnaire about the expressions from the previous task. T shows the task and demostrates. T send Ss the link to the questionnaire and gives Ss 4’. When time is up, T proceeds to analyze the MFPA with the help of the presentation. T presents the table which shows the form and the appropriacy (see material - slide n.3). T asks Ss CCQs e.g -Do I say ‘How about going camping?’ to my boss? -No! -What can I say instead? - You could always go camping. e.t.c for up to 4’. T then proceeds to work with pronunciation (see material - slide n.4). T asks Ss if the tone of voice is the same when we give advice to a friend as when we e.g are angry. Ss respond. T explains that the pitch (tone) is higher than normal when we give advice in a friendly mood. T shows the difference by saying a sentence in two different ways (friendly way, showing indifference) e.g 'You could always try New Zealand'. T then reads the sentences one by one and Ss repeat first chorally and then individually (T nominates some Ss to pronounce individually), so that they get used to saying these sentences in a natural way (attitudinal pronunciation) for 3’.

Controlled Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with accuracy

T explains the next task while showing it: Ss have to rephrase the advice (should) in each dialogue using one of the ways they learnt today. T demonstrates the task and shares their screen showing the slide with the form for the Ss to check while they do the activity. T sends the link and gives 5’ for this task. When Ss are done they go to Break Out Rooms and compare their responses for 2’.

Freer Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T tells Ss that they are going to perform a role-play where they should talk about a problem I am facing (the T) and share their advice with each other. T shows the task and reminds Ss to use as many expressions as possible and try to have arguments as well to support their ideas. T also adds that Ss can use their own ideas as well. Ss click on the link and go to Break Out Rooms. T monitors the procedure and notes down anything that could be used for DEC and/or feedback at the end of the lesson.

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