Fatima Fatima

Polite Enquires
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will be introduced and practising functional language for polite enquires guided through a SpeakOut audio clip between a receptionist and a college students. Teacher will use a guessing game to engage students, provide questions to answer while listening to the audio, a multiple choice activity in the control practise and they will create their own dialogue between 2 people as a freer practise.


Abc Google Form
Abc Google Form
Abc Powerpoint
Abc SpeakOut SB

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice of language used for polite enquires. In the context of an audio clip from SpeakOut between a receptionist and a college student.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information in a listening practice using an audio about changing a class between a receptionist and college student.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T will introduce a powerpoint slide that will have a game on it. The game will be a guessing game. SS will see 3 empty boxes on the slide with the header Guess the polite words correctly SS will start guessing the answer to the game which will be: Please Thank You Sorry SS will be given an example: Excuse Me SS will also have pictures on the screen to aid in helping them guess the words. They will have 2 minutes to guess as a group. T will not be speaking during this section so students can interact with each other. If they are unable to guess: Hint for Please: What is the word you would use when asking for something? Hint for Thank You: What do you say to someone when you are grateful? Hint for Sorry: what do you say to apologize to someone?

Intensive Task -Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with an introduction to the function they are going to learn today.

T will introduce the intensive task to the SS The task will be done while listening to the audio so SS will be given the chance to review the questions as a group. The questions: Who is the woman calling? What does she want? Does the caller sound polite? Is the receptionist able to help her? The questions are meant to help students focus on the language used by both the receptionist and the caller. T will instruct SS not to submit their responses so they can later discuss them in groups. ICQ: Should you know the questions before listening to the audio? Will you answer the questions while listening to the audio or after? Will you submit your answers? While SS listen T will create breakout rooms so SS can instantly discuss instructions and go over ICQs. Once they have completed the questions students will be placed into pairs so they can discuss their answers for 2 minutes. T will also instruct students to submit their answers while they are in the last few moments of the breakout rooms. ICQ: How many minutes will you discuss? What will you discuss? When will you submit the questions? T will monitor SS and listen to their experience with the questions and what they had difficulties with. T will ask SS to submit their answers while they are still in breakout rooms. T will conduct OCFB and will only discuss questions that seem to be harder for SS.

MFP (10 minutes) • To help students understand how the language is used, made and pronounced.

Meaning & Appropriacy: To teach SS the meaning and appropriacy of polite speech T will show them 4 different sentences (1 question and 1 non-question) and elicit responses from the SS. The first sentences will be from the audio clip SS have just listened to and the second ones will have the same meaning as the first sentences but it will be someone speaking to their friend. Do you mind me asking what it involves? No, I'm afraid it has to be in person. These are the polite sentences. What do we do? No, only in person. These are the informal sentences said by a friend. T will elicit responses from students by putting a word bank with: Polite, Informal, friend and boss T will than ask: Which sentence is the polite one? Which sentence is the informal one? Which would you use with a boss? Which is used with a friend? CCQ: Do we speak politely to friends and family? Is it polite to speak to strangers how you would speak to a family member? Can you speak informally to your boss? SS will answer the questions which will lead us into the Form: T will show the students the same sentences and ask them Is the polite sentence longer than 4 words? Yes. Is the informal sentence shorter than the polite one? Yes. T will ask students if trying to be polite means using more words? Eliciting and trying to get them to understand that being polite means using longer sentence structure. T will also ask students if there are different ways to ask a question other than Do you mind? If SS don’t know T will provide examples like I was wondering, is the course a lot of work? Vs “is there a lot of work? Can you hold on just a minute? Vs “Wait a minute, okay?” T will then provide sentences with words like: Thank you, you’re welcome, and Sorry. Sorry to keep you. Thank you very much for your help. You’re welcome. T will ask SS why these sentences are polite and ask the students if they feel a person is nicer if they use words like please and thank you? Pronunciation: T will ask SS When speaking to someone politely do we use a softer or harsher tone? Softer If SS require examples T will use the first sentence to show the difference: . . (ʃɪ) . I’d really appreciate your help. Stress is going to be put on the d in I’d & appreciate & help. The ci in appreciate is going to be pronounced with a ʃɪ sound. . . Would you mind putting that in an email for me? Stress is going to be put on the mind & putting Linking is put between would & you and in an email. . . . Sorry to be difficult, I am just very busy. Stress is going to be put on the words difficult & just & busy. Linking between Sorry to and I am. T will ask SS to repeat the sentences.

Controlled Practise (10-12 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to expand on what students have learned.

T will use powerpoint to show SS the google form activity they will be doing. SS will use the information they have learned from the MFP stage to answer the questions. On Google Form there will be 5 sentences and SS will have to decide if they are polite or informal. The sentences will be: May I enter the course? I can’t come tomorrow. Can you do it? I have been looking for a good class like this one. Of course, you can come in at any time. SS will have 2 minutes to complete the worksheet if SS require more time they will be provided with it. SS may think they don't have to submit this one so T will instruct that they do. ICQ: How many minutes do you have? Will you submit this form? What are your options for this worksheet? T will be setting up breakout rooms while SS continue worksheets, and remind them when they have 1 minute left. Once SS have finished the worksheet T will explain that they will have 2 minutes to discuss their answers in pairs. ICQ: How many minutes? What will you discuss? T will monitor SS while they are discussing their answers. T will go over their responses in the google form to see if there is a question to go over when SS come back for OCFB. T will conduct OCFB and go over necessary answers.

Freer Practise (8-10 minutes) • To allow students the freedom to use the function they have learned in anyway they feel fit.

T will introduce SS to the freer practise through Powerpoint. Depending on the amount of SS that are present each group of 3 or pair will have to make a dialogue between 2 people in a scenario prepared for them. SS will have the liberty of choosing which scenario they will create a 4 to 7 line dialogue for. Scenarios: 1)You have accidentally booked your flight on the wrong day and you have to ask the airline to make it the next day. 2)You have lost your baseball tickets and need to call the stadium to get new ones or get a refund. 3)Your professor has set the date for the exam but you have surgery on that day, you need to talk to them about changing the date. SS will be able to read the scenarios and decide which one they want to do, once they are in their groups T will monitor to see if they remember them if not T will send the list in the chat. SS will be given 5 minutes to create the dialogue for one scenario. ICQ: How many minutes? Should you have already decided which scenario you want to do? How many scenarios will you do? How many lines can it be? T will monitor students progress in the breakout rooms and give them reminders via broadcast so they are able to keep a good pace. Once SS return they will be able to share their dialogue with the class, if there is not enough time to go through everyone T will ask if there is a group who will volunteer to do their script.

Feedback/DEC (5 minutes) • To go over any problems students have had over the lesson.

T will go over any of the issues students had with the concepts (MFP).

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