Hasan Ulvi EVREN Hasan Ulvi EVREN

Present Simple Tense with the third person
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn about the use of third person in Simple Present Tense. The lesson starts with a puzzle which is related to their previous lesson. This is followed by a listening activity. After the listening, teacher elicits the grammar topic. After that, there are some controlled activities and finally the lesson finishes with a production activity.


Abc handout (3)
Abc handout (2)
Abc Reading texts (4)
Abc handout (guided discovery)
Abc cards (1)
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Carton & cards

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of The Simple Present Tense in the context of family members and other people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information with listening practice using a text about general information about people in the context of jobs


Introduction (4-5 minutes) • to remind the students the words they have already learned about family members

Teacher greets the students and asks some personal questions about himself. Teacher asks "What is my job?". After getting their answers, he asks "Do I have any brothers or sisters?". After these questions, teacher shows the students a puzzle which includes family members and wants them to find and circle the family members in the puzzle in pairs. Then he delivers the handouts. After they finish the activity, teacher wants them to check their answers with other pairs and finally teacher delivers the answer key.

Pre- listening stage (6-8 minutes) • to raise the students' interest to the topic

Teacher shows the class a handout that has the pictures of a man and a woman and wants the students to guess the answers of the questions about them in groups. Then, teacher arranges the groups and delivers the handouts to the students. Students discuss in groups and they compare their answers with other groups. When the students compare their answers, teacher monitors them during these stages.

During listening stage (15-17 minutes) • to make the students realize the third singular person form of the verbs in Simple Present Tense

Students listen to and read about Andrew Johnson and Claudia Luke for the first time to check their predictions. Teacher monitors them and then he uses repetition drills for the answers. After that teacher wants the students to underline all the verbs in the text and says "Now, read the text again and underline all the verbs". Teacher asks ICQs to make the instruction clear. Teacher organizes pairs before checking and then wants them to check their answers in pairs. Teacher says "Compare your answers with your partners". Then teacher gives them the answer key. Next, teacher shows them a chart and says "Listen and complete the chart". Teacher makes a demonstration to make the instruction clear. After the listening, he wants them to compare their answers with their partners. Teacher gives more examples to indicate the differences among the pronunciation of verbs (-s: wears, cooks/ -z: does, lives/ -ız: finishes, washes). Teacher says "Use these verbs and complete the sentences" (by showing the verbs; comes, lives, works, earns, goes) then he delivers the handouts. After the students compare their answers, teacher shows them another handout and says "Look at the sentences and answer the questions in pairs". After they finish the activity, students compare their answers with other pairs. Then teacher gives the answer key.

Post listening stage (8-10 minutes) • to practice the grammar structure they have just learned in a semi-controlled way

Teacher sticks a carton on the board which has some gaps and shows the students some cards which have some pieces of information about Andrew and Claudia. Teacher divides the students into two groups. He says "Stick the cards on the correct place on the chart". Teacher gives the cards to students and they stick them on correct places. Each group focuses on just one person. After that, each group checks the other group's answers and they talk to each other about the things they can remember on Claudia and Andrew. During these stages, teacher monitors the students.

Production Stage (5-7 minutes) • to use the new structure to talk about their families in general

First, teacher organizes the pairs and then says "Choose a family member and tell about this person to your partner". When they talk about their family members, teacher monitors them and supports if they need.

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