Ismail Irfan Ali Canfer Ismail Irfan Ali Canfer

TP4 - Functions
Pre-Intermediate level


To practice and revise functional language to talk about holidays.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for Giving opinions and asking for information in the context of Holidays
  • To provide clarification of language used for of giving opinions and asking for information in the context of Holidays

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a role play setting in the context of holidays
  • To provide listening practice using an audio about Holidays


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

To introduce the topic I will ask students about their own personal holiday experiences, asking them where they went to and what they enjoyed about their holiday. I would give the example that I have previously visited Italy and I really enjoyed it due to the food and the weather. We will discuss this together as a class

Gist Task (5-6 minutes) • For students to obtain a general understanding of the message of the audio.

I will play an audio of a dialogue between a couple who wish to book a last minute holiday and a travel agent. I will ask the students what they think the audio was about, what was the general message? I will share my screen giving them three options to choose from. Students share their answers by way of private chat. Then we complete class feedback.

Meaning-Form-Pronunciation (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning - For meaning I will share my screen and students will see five sentences. Students have to match the correct function to the correct sentence. They will have to decide whether the function of the sentence is "asking for information" or "giving opinion". We will complete this together as a class. Form - I will share my screen and students will see the same five sentences which they saw previously in the "meaning" section. On my screen they will see two text boxes which they need to put at the correct part of the sentence. One text box says "fixed" so students have to decide which part of the sentence they think is fixed. The other text box consists of the rest of the grammatical structure of the sentence and they must put this at the correct part of the sentence. We will complete this together as a class. Pronunciation - I will ask the students to repeat the five sentences which we went through previously in order for them to obtain the correct pronunciation. I will then elicit from them and ask them where they think the main word stress in the sentence is. We will also cover some examples of linking. We would complete this together as a class

Controlled Practice (9-11 minutes) • To practice using the target language correctly in a controlled manner.

I will send students a google forms link, there are 8 multiple choice questions. For each sentence they will have to select the correct function. They must decide whether the function of the sentence is an opinion, asking for information or if it consists of both functions. Students will complete this by themselves and then compare answers by way of private chat. I will then conduct class feedback

Freer Practice and DEC (10-13 minutes) • To practice using the target language freely in a freer practice manner and provide delayed error correction

I will send students in to breakout rooms and ask them to conduct a role play similar to the audio we listened to in the gist task. I will give students a demonstration with one of the students, I will act as the travel agent and they will be the person who wants to book a holiday. I will send students into break-out rooms where I will be entering in to different break out rooms and monitoring students role-plays. We will then conduct class feedback. DEC - I will place on the board certain sentences that i heard throughout the lesson which were incorrect and we will correct them. I would place some sentences on the board most of which are incorrect some are correct and students have to decide if they are correct or not. If they decide that they are incorrect then they must explain what would be the correct way to word the sentence.

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