Liliana Fernanda Del Villar Arias Liliana Fernanda Del Villar Arias

TP7 Reading skills
Upper intermediate level


In this lesson students will upgrade their reading for general understanding and detailed information skills in the context of an article on the power of images in comparison to written texts. The lesson begins with discussion between students in which they will share to their peers their opinion on whether they agree or disagree with the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" and the reasons why. This discussion aims to activate the students' top-bottom process and schemata. Afterwards, students are told the main topic of the lesson is the power of images, and are asked to read for gist an article on the topic. Their first task involves recognizing the general reason why images can be more powerful than texts. This serves as an introduction to a more challenging detailed reading task in which students would decide whether statements related to the text are true or false. Students would verify their answers before justifying the veracity of these statement and provide true statements for those that were false. The language clarification stage would follow. Through guided discovery tasks, students will come up with the meaning, form, and pronunciation of a specific set of phrasal verbs used in the text. They will then be engaged in a productive skills activity in which they will discuss in pairs what is the importance and emotional importance of images in their lives. Feedback on their discussion shall proceed as well as feedback on the language used in the lesson. This latter stage shall focus in delayed error corrections, reformulations and language upgrade.


Abc Zoom Breakout Rooms
Abc Zoom Chatbox
Abc Zoom Screenshare
Abc Zoom Whiteboard

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced and further developed their reading skills for gist and detailed information in the context of an article on the power of images.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Learners will have practiced their speaking for fluency skills as they discuss the importance and emotional role of images in their lives within the context of an article on the power of images.
  • Learners will have upgraded their lexis and language use through the discovery and analysis of phrasal verbs used in the article in the context of the power of images (e.g. sum up, conjure up, work out, and take in).


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, engage students, and activate their top-down process and schemata

• Greetings and ask students how was their week. • Open the Genially presentation: • Start sharing screen. • Tell students that they will be sent to Breakout rooms to discuss with their partners whether they agree or disagree with the phrase "a picture is worth more than a thousand words" and the reasons why. • Tell students they will have 2 minutes for this task. • Stop sharing screen. • Set the timer for 2 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Open Break-out Rooms. • Monitor Break-out Rooms for students' potential needs. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up. • Conduct OCFB. ICQs Will you be discussing whether you agree or disagree with this phrase? Yes. How long will you have for this task? 2 minutes.

Reading for General Understanding (5-5 minutes) • To provide students with an initial familiarity to the text through a gist task

• Open the Flipbook: • Start sharing screen. • Tell students that the main topic of the lesson shall be the power of images, and that they will read an article on that topic. • Show them the text in the Flipbook, and tell them that their first task is to answer why are images more powerful than texts according to the article. They have three possible answers, and can only choose one. • Tell students they have to submit their answers in the Google Forms link below the question. • Open the Google Form and demo how to answer. • Tell students they will have 3 minutes to read and complete the task. • Stop sharing screen. • Share the links of the Flipbook and the Google Forms through Chatbox in case they cannot open the latter's link in Flipbook. • Monitor students for any doubts or potential needs. • Monitor students' responses on • Conduct OCFB focusing only on potential doubts. ICQs How many answers can you choose in the task? One. How long do you have for reading and completing the task? 3 minutes.

Reading for Detailed Information (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging and detailed reading task that will allow them for deeper understanding

• Open the Google Form: • Start sharing screen. • Tell students that they will now work on a more challenging task in pairs for which they will have to go once again to the text. • Ask them to pay attention to the way they will be doing the task: 1. First, each of them will open the Google Form. 2. The Google Form asks to decide whether 5 statements of the text are true or false, to justify the answers and to write a true statement for those that are false. 3. They will first focus just on whether the statements are true or false. Both students will communicate to each other to chose the same options in their respective Google Forms. 4. Demo choosing statements and just focusing on the true/false part. 4. One of them will submit the answers, and will tell the other what answers they got right and what answers they got wrong, so that their partner can correct the answers. 5. They they can share their screen and work on justifying each statement's veracity or falsehood and providing an alternative statement for false sentences. • Emphasize to students that what matters the most is for them to answer the true or false section first, before proceeding to justify their answers. • Tell student that they will have 8 minutes to complete the task, and that they should have submitted their true-false answers after 3 minutes as a suggestion for them to know how to allocate their time. • Stop sharing screen. • Share the Google Forms link through Chatbox. • Create Break-out Rooms pairing stronger students with those who struggle. • Set timer for 8 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Monitor Break-out Rooms for students' potential needs. • Monitor students' responses through, paying special attention on their submission after 3 minutes and whether they are still struggling with it. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up. • Open the Flipbook • Start sharing screen. • Conduct OCFB focusing only on specific doubts showing them the text and where they could have found the arguments for their justifications. ICQs Do you have first to focus only on the true or false questions? Yes. Do you have to verify whether your answers to the true or false section were correct? Yes. Do you have to correct your answers and then work on your justification? Yes. How many minutes should you allocate to the true or false task? 3 minutes.

Post-Teach Vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To cover meaning, form, and pronunciation of key verbal phrase that were found in the text

• Open the Google Forms: 1. Meaning: 2. Form: 3. Pronunciation: • Start sharing screen. • Tell students that in pairs, they will now analyze key features of phrasal verbs that appeared in the text: sum up, work out, conjure up, and take in. • Go over the Meaning task, tell them they have to choose the right meaning for the phrasal verb, and demo the first question. • Go over the Form task and tell them that they have to decide first whether the verbal phrases are transitive or intransitive, and then whether they are separable or inseparable based on model sentences. Model the first question in each section. • Finally, go over the Pronunciation task and tell them they will have to first identify the word that is stressed in a verbal phrase, and then identify whether there is a sound link between them. • Tell students that half of them will do first Meaning, then Form and then Pronunciation, whereas the other half will do first Meaning, then Pronunciation then Form. • Specify what order each group will follow. • For this task they will have 8 minutes. • Send the links of the three Google Forms through Chatbox. • Stop sharing screen. • Monitor students' needs as well as the response section of the Google Form in a. (Meaning), (Form) and (Pronunciation) for student's submissions. • Pay special attention to the groups when they are working on the Pronunciation task, and join their Break-out rooms to give an oral model of the phrases for them to work out fluent speech features. • Send everyone back to the Main Room after the time's up. • Conduct OCFB focusing on specific doubts of students.

Post-Reading Productive Task (5-6 minutes) • To allow students to respond to the text in a communicative task and expand on what they've learned

• Open the Genially presentation: • Start sharing screen. • Ask students to reflect for one minute on the importance of images in their life and their relevance in their emotional history. • Stop sharing screen. • Ask students to share their thoughts in Break-out rooms with their partners for 4 minutes. • Recreate Break-out rooms and set the timer to 4 minutes with 10 seconds notice. • Monitor Break-out Rooms for students' potential needs and their language use. • Send everyone to Main Room once the time’s up.

Feedback on Content and Language (4-5 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback on the completion of the task and the language used in the lesson

• Conduct OCFB on the main findings of the students discussion. • Share Whiteboard. • Write down accurate and inaccurate sentences written by students in the freer writing task as seen in the blog. • Ask students to use the Annotate function in Zoom's Screenshare to point out what sentences are accurate, what sentences are inaccurate and what sentences make them doubt. • Ask students how to correct the sentences. • Elicit from students the reformulation of the accurate version of these sentences and how to upgrade the language to promote a more diverse language range.

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