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Upper Int level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to and practice giving suggestion in the context of choosing a country to study English in.


Main Aims

  • To introduce students to and provide them practice of functional language for giving suggestions in the context of choosing a country to study English, with material from page 70 of NCE Upper Intermediate Students’ book.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students speaking practice for giving suggestions in the context of choosing a country to study English.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Lesson presented via powerpoint titled “Functional Language_Giving Suggestion_TP4” and google forms on Zoom platform. Slide 1: Title Slide 2: Main Aim Slide 3: Lead-in (5 min total) The purpose is to contextualise the lesson. T greets students and asks them to think of a country for someone to travel to in order to study English. Then T puts students in pairs in order to share in private chat by giving their suggestion within 1 minute. T instructs: I want you to share your suggestion in private chat with your partner. For example: If you think someone should go to the USA to study English, you’ll type (T types in chat to everyone), “How about going to the USA?” In OCFB, T asks 1 student to share their suggestion. T says: The aim for you today is to be introduced to and get some practice for giving suggestions in the context of choosing a country to study English. Now you will read an online posting of a question and some suggestions about choosing a country to study English.

Exposure: Text (gist+intensive task) (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text--online posting

Text Work (8 min total) The purpose is to ask Ss to “identify” the TL of giving suggestion in the context of choosing a country to study English. The context is an online posting taken from page 70 of NCE Upper Intermediate Students’ Book by Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moor. The target language selection is the following—3 ways to give suggestions from the posting on page 70. 1. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? 2. How about coming to Ireland? 3. I’d (I would) check there if I were you. Slide 4: Gist task (3 min) The purpose is for students to read for the gist of the posts (Stefan’s question and the selected three answers) and choose what Stefan wants. This task will be in a google form titled “Where to Study English?” T shows the form and gives instructions for the gist task. Gist Task Instructions: 1. Read the QUESTION posted by Stefan and the three ANSWERS to his question below. 2. Choose what you think Stefan wants by selecting A, B, C, or D. 3. Share your answer with a partner via private chat. For example: What does Stefan want? A. He wants to know how to study English online. T shares this link via chat to everyone and gives Ss 2 minutes to do the task. OCFB After 2 minutes, T asks 1 S to share the correct answer: B. He wants to know what is the best country to study English in. T transitions: Now let’s read the posting again to see what suggestions are given to Stefan. Slide 5: Intensive Task The purpose is for students to identify the TL of giving suggestion in the context of choosing a country to study English. Ss will use another google form titled “2nd Reading: Where to Study English?” T shows the form and gives instructions for the intensive task as follows. INTENSIVE READING--INSTRUCTIONS 1. Carefully read the posting--QUESTION and ANSWERS--below a second time. 2. Fill in the missing phrase or word for questions #s 1, 2, 3 by typing it on the line. 3. Share your answer with your partner via private chat by typing #1, 2, 3 and the correct phrase or verb for each. For example: Question = How about ________ to Ireland? Answer = coming T shares the link and gives Ss 3 minutes to do the task. OCFB After 3 minutes, T asks Ss to show thumbs up for getting all three answers correct. T says: There are three sentences from the reading that we are going to look at today. Slide 6: highlighting TL T highlights the TL from the text as below. 1. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? It’s quiet, the weather is good, the people are friendly and everyone speaks English! Check out our website at Luigi 2. How about coming to Ireland? The people are the friendliest in the world. Ciaran 3. I have just returned from a three-week English course in England. It was a very good experience—the people were friendly, and the food was good when you got used to it! The most important thing is to pick the right school! There’s a list of recommended schools at I’d check there if I were you. Joan, Barcelona T transitions: Now we will look at these three sentences again to understand their meaning, appropriacy, form, and pronunciation.

Clarification (11-12 minutes) • The purpose is to clarify the functional language of suggesting someone to choose a country to study English by covering Meaning, Appropriacy, Form and Pronunciation of the functional language.

Slides 7: Meaning T elicits 1 S to clarify the meaning of the TL with this question--What’s the function of these sentences? 1. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? 2. How about coming to Ireland? 3. I’d check there if I were you. (Answer: suggesting something/making a suggestion, particularly to Stefan’s post about choosing which country to study English.) T asks CCQs to check for understanding of the three TL from the text by nominating 1 S per sentence. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? CCQs: What country is being suggested for Stefan to think about? (Malta) Is Malta now an option for Stefan? (Yes) How about coming to Ireland? CCQs: What country is being suggested here? (Ireland) Is Ireland now another option for Stefan? (Yes) I’d check there if I were you. CCQs: This is Joan’s statement. Is Joan saying that she is Stefan? (No) What is Joan suggesting to Stefan? (Check the website Slide 8: Appropriacy T nominates 1 S to answer: Are these sentences formal, informal or neutral? Answer: These sentences are neutral language and are appropriate in casual communication. 1. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? 2. How about coming to Ireland? 3. I’d check there if I were you. T may say: These are used in casual communication. An attitude of just stating an idea, not demanding obedience, is key to appropriately making these statements which will be demonstrated when we pronounce these together. Slide 9-10: Pronunciation T focuses on and pronounces ending sounds of the sentences (up or down) and attitude when suggesting. Slide 9: ending sounds/intonation/attitude T instructs: Listen as I pronounce each of these sentences. Does the last sound go up or down? What’s my attitude? Am I demanding? As Ss state the correct ending, T draws the arrows for the ending of each sentences. Have you thought of coming here to Malta? T pronounces this sentence with a humble attitude to suggest the idea of Malta so that the listener will think about Malta without feeling pressured to choose Malta, so that the ending sound of the word has a slightly higher pitch. How about coming to Ireland? T pronounces this with a humble attitude, suggesting but not demanding: the ending sound of “Ireland” goes down slightly. I’d check there if I were you. T says these statements with a humble attitude, suggesting but not demanding: the ending sound of the last word neither goes up nor down. T nominates a couple Ss to say each sentence with the correct intonation. Slide 10: IPA and linking of words Have you thought of coming here to Malta? ● ● ● ● Have you thought of coming here to Malta? /həv ˈjuː/ /ˈθɑːtəv/ /ˈkʌm.ɪŋ/ /hɪr/ /tə/ /ˈmɑːl.tə/ T says the sentence again and elicits from 1 student if there are words that link together. There’s a link between the following words. Have you thought of T shows the IPA with stress and drills with 1 S then drills with class (have them say by themselves after T). How about coming to Ireland? T says the sentence again and elicits from 1 student if there are words that link together. There’s a link between the following words: How about ● ● How about coming to Ireland? /haʊ baʊt/ /ˈkʌm.ɪŋ/ /tə/ /ˈaɪr.lənd/ T shows the IPA with stress and drills with 1 S then drills with class (have them say by themselves after T). I’d check there if I were you. T says the sentence again and elicits from 1 student if there are words that link together: there’s a link between “If I” ● ● I’d check there if I were you. /aɪd/ /ˈtʃek/ /ðer/ /ɪf/ /aɪ/ /wɚ/ /ˈjuː/ T shows the IPA with stress and drills with 1 S then drills with class (have them say by themselves after T). Slide 11: Form Have you thought of + gerund + to …? T provides the pattern “Have you thought of” then elicits 1 S to tell what the form of “coming” is = gerund (verb+ing). T nominates 1 S to give a few examples of gerunds: coming/going/traveling; If Ss says “visiting”; T elicits “Is it visiting to or visiting?” (Answer: visiting) T nominates 1 S to give another country besides Malta: Australia, etc. How about + gerund + to …? T provides the pattern “How about” then elicits from 1 S to tell what the form of “coming” is = gerund (verb+ing). T nominates 1 S to give a few examples of gerunds: coming/going/traveling; If Ss say “visiting”; T elicits or reminds: “Is it visiting to or visiting?” T elicits another country besides Ireland: the USA, etc. 1. I’d (would)+ vsf + if I were you. T elicits 1 S to tell what the ‘d is = would. T asks: If we change the order of this sentence, would the meaning change? How would you change the sentence without changing the meaning? (Answer: The sentence order can change without changing the meaning by using a comma like this “If I were you, I’d check there.”) T says and shows on screen: This form can be used to suggest countries to visit. For example: If I were you, I’d visit Malta/the UK/New Zealand, etc.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Slide 12: Controlled Practice (6 min total) The purpose is accuracy T shows the google form titled “Giving Suggestion Practice” and gives the instruction to the controlled practice task: Ss are to choose between two words (one correct and one incorrect) for three sentences. Ss have 3 minutes for this task. T shares the link and gives students 3 minutes to do the task. After Ss are done, they are to share their answers with their partner. OCFB T shares new screen—the results—and asks thumbs up for all correct answers. T shares new screen (returns to powerpoint slides titled “Functional Language_Giving Suggestion_TP4”)

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with speaking practice with the target language_giving suggestion in the context of choosing a country to study English in.

Slide 13: Free Practice (10 min total) The purpose is fluency in speaking. Students will do a communicative task in which learners use the functional language in groups to suggest a country to study English in. (6 min) T gives the instruction and an example of what to say: If you were to give a suggestion to Stefan from the posting you read today, what is your suggestion for Stefan? What country is the best country to study English in? You will practice suggesting a country to study English in when I put you into break out groups. I’ll give you about 6 minutes for this task. Take turns to give suggestions. For example, if you think studying English in the UK is a good idea, you could suggest, “Have you thought of studying in the UK? The people are very polite and everyone speaks English. I’d consider the UK if I were you.” Then T puts Ss in break out rooms and gives them 6 minutes to do the task. T monitors each room to listen for good language and language that need correction or reformulation. SLIDE 14: OCFB and DEC (3 min). T shares screen and shows Ss the good language they and language that need correction or reformulation.

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