Listening and Speaking lesson, Story telling lesson, Sequencers lesson
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about the sequencers through guided discovery based on a listening text about a story. The lesson starts with talking about the pictures shown by the teacher. This is followed by listening where students order the pictures about a story related to a woman and tick the sequencers they hear.The sequencers are practiced in the class. Finally, students re-tell the story using sequencers.


Abc Pictures
Abc Laptop and sound system
Abc Cards
Abc Gap-fill handout
Abc Pictures

Main Aims

  • To provide accuracy with speaking practice in a discussion and conversation in the context of telling story

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide specific information with listening practice using a text about sequencers in the context of telling a story


Introduction (3-5 minutes) • To remind the students the words they have already learned about telling lies.

Teacher greets the students and tells them that she is ill with a smiling face. She asks "Is it a lie or true?" After getting their answer, teacher asks "How do you understand a person is ill when you look at him/ her?". Students give answers.

Pre-listening (10-12 minutes) • To give the vocabulary needed and to raise their interest to the topic.

Teacher elicits the words they need by using mimes, gestures and pictures to talk about the pictures given to guess the story. Teacher asks them "What is happening in each picture?" Students discuss in groups and they compare their answers with other groups. Teacher monitors them during these stages. After that, teacher wants them to order the pictures in their groups and they compare their ideas with different groups again.

During listening (10-12 minutes) • To make the students use the sequencers in the correct order.

Students listen to the track 2.7 for the first time to check their predictions. Teacher says "Now, listen again and tick the phrases you hear." In the second listening, they try to get detailed information to tick the sequencers they hear in the story. Students check their answers in pairs. Teacher monitors and supports them.

Post-listening stage (10-12 minutes) • To make the students use the sequencers they have just learned in a semi-controlled way.

Teacher gives students cards on which the sequencers and the titles are written. Teacher says "We have 3 titles and 10 sequencers, Group the sequencers under the correct titles." Teacher asks ICQs to make the instruction clear; "How many titles do we have?" "How many sequencers are there?" Teacher delivers the cards to each group. While the students are doing the activity, teacher monitors them. After that, teacher shows the paper in her hand, says "There is a conversation and complete the gaps using the sequencers. Teacher hands out a paper to each student and they do the exercise individually.Teacher organizes the pairs and says "Compare your answers with your partners." Students check their answers with their partners. And then, teacher asks them to practice the dialogue

Production Stage (8-10 minutes) • To produce a story by using the sequencers.

Teacher has sequencers written on separate cards in her hand. She gets the students to work in pairs to re-tell the story. She says "When you use a sequencer, turn the card over. Use all cards."

Extra Activity (3-4 minutes) • To use the extra time

Teacher asks the students "Do you think it was a true story or a lie?Why?" Teacher organizes them to work in groups and asks them to discuss. Teacher monitors them and gets feedback. She plays the recording 2.8 and makes the students discuss for three minutes.

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