Erick Erick

Practice speaking skills for fluency and communication in the context of analyzing the results of a quiz about thinking styles
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson students will utilize their speaking skills in order to enhance their fluency and communicative effectiveness while they discuss and debate about the contextual topic aforementioned.


Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a debate in the context of answering a quiz about different thinking styles

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide deduction reading practice using a article about five thiking styles


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks students one or two broad questions about how they usually organize ideas and/or solve problems in their daily lives. T shows them a slide with a paragraph suggesting that thought processes are different from one individual to the next.

Content preparation (7-9 minutes) • To provide context for the lesson's main aim through a quiz

Ss are given copies of a short multiple-option quiz. Ss are given a time limit to work in pairs running the quiz on each other and comparing their results briefly. A report on their comparisons is given in open-class feedback.

Clarification (7-9 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shows Ss three statements and asks them to match them with three function descriptions. T checks Ss answers and confirms or clarifies language as needed. T shows Ss a different slide with the same three statements and elicits them to identify fixed sentence parts and parts of speech in chunks through CCQs. T models pronunciation for one of the previous statements and elicits students to drill. T then asks Ss to identify word stress and word linking. At last T asks students to identify the diphthong /aʊ/ in two of the words in the statement. T models one more time and elicits a last round of drill and helps Ss correct their pronunciation if necessary.

Speaking task (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with the opportunity to speak for fluency and communicative effectiveness

T shares with Ss the link to the article "Thinkin styles" and gives them a time limit to scan it and compare the information in it to the results they obtained in the quiz before. Ss then proceed to discuss their viewpoints, agreements and disagreements in an open-class debate. T serves as moderator to it.

Feedback on content (3-5 minutes) • To check on students' communicative success regarding the speaking task

T refers to the most relevant aspects of communication detected while monitoring the speaking activity. T gives Ss time to address their own performance for the activity in terms of comprehensible message delivery, effective organization of ideas and speaking fluency.

Feedback on language (3-5 minutes) • To clarify mistakes or misunderstanding of language use

T praises students and exemplifies good language detected during monitoring on the board. T then addresses difficulties or imprecisions and encourages Ss to use self and peer correction. T gives Ss examples of language reformulation if relevant. T wraps up the class and thanks Ss.

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