Casey Lewis Casey Lewis

TP 5- Speaking lesson
Upper intermediate level


Abc Zoom White Board

Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice by asking and answering questions in the context of giving an interview.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice listening and asking questions that lead to information for better communication.


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T introduces herself and greets Ss T shares her screen that shows two photos one of a casual talk show and the other of a formal job interview T asks the Ss to discuss the two images - what is similar - what is different T tells Ss to discuss as a group and see what they think T gives Ss 2 min to discuss T monitors the Ss assessing interest, engagement, shyness, etc. T conducts OCFB guiding them toward the personal nature and history of a person rather than their skills for a task.

Content Preparation (5-8 minutes) • A brainstorming activity to activate their topdown processing while creating content for the task.

T shares screen with Ss to set up the task T has Ss read the task Think of a person you know personally that you would want to interview. What do you want to know about this person? With a partner discuss what areas of their life you would like to learn more about. Do you have similar topics? Write your ideas on the next slide. T gives an example - I want to know more about my grandpa - areas about his life I would like to know about are - his upbringing, his time in the Navy, why he moved to the United States T gives instructions - I am going to send you a link to this in the chat box. - I am going to break you into groups(1, 2, 3) - each group will receive a different link - you will have 3 minutes to discuss this with your partner/group via break-out rooms T stops sharing screen T asks ICQ's - Are we doing this task with a partner? yes - What are we brainstorming? topics to know more about a person - Are we talking about my grandpa or someone you choose? someone you choose, yes - how much time do we have? 3 min T sets groups T shares link T confirms access T creates break-out rooms T monitors rooms T brings Ss back T has Ss discuss their ideas while using the wb or screen share of slides to write down ideas. T makes connections of ones that are similar

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming speaking task

T shares screen with the Ss T explains the game instructions - You will do this on your own - you will have 5 minutes for this task T asks ICQ's -Are we doing this alone? yes -How much time do we have? 5 min T shares the link T confirms the link T monitors Ss T thinks about questions that could be formed for topics that Ss came up with in brainstorming task T prepares ideas T shares screen with Ss when finished. T goes through the game with the Ss T has Ss ask the questions one by one and then call on some for answers T gets agreement T goes over more thoroughly any questions not understood. T uses this to ask questions relating to MFPA - Where is the stress in this sentence? - where is the intonation? ( I will model and drill chorally)

Speaking Task (12-17 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice speaking for fluency in a communicative manner

T shares screen with Zoom WB T sets the next task - We are to interview each other - take the list of ideas we created earlier and I want you now to create questions to ask your partner. T gives example - if you want to ask about them as a kid. You could create a question like.. - What were you like as a kid? - what was your childhood like? T gives instructions - Take 3 min now to create questions on your own T monitors T then gives instructions for the second part of the task - Now I am going to split you into the same groups - you are going to have 12 minutes total - you are both going to do both roles - after the first 6 minutes, we will switch - make sure you practice your listening skills as some of you will share with the class - I will let you know when to switch rolls T asks ICQ's Do you both get to practice being interviewed? yes Do you have to keep an eye on the time? no, you will let us know T sends groups to break-out rooms T monitors T looks for language that is good and language that can be fixed T prepares 4 or 5 sentences to use for FB T keeps an eye on the time to tell them when to switch T brings Ss back T guides certain groups to talk about what they learned T asks if anyone wants to share something interesting that they learned about their partner T points out good sentences that lead to discussions, why things that worked worked

Feedback and Error Correction (3-5 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

T will use the WB to write down 4 sentences - one will be correct - three will not be T will ask students if they can find which one is correct and which ones that have errors and do they know what can be fixed? T gives instructions - I am going to send you back to break out rooms - you will have two minutes to try and find the corrections with your partner. T creates the rooms T monitors T brings everyone back T shares screen and goes over the sentences one by one T calls on Ss to see what they think T elicits more correction if needed T thanks Ss for their time, it was nice to meet you and I hope that you have enjoyed the class

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