David Taylor David Taylor

Teaching Practice 7
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson students will be asked to compare their childhood with that of their parents. They will then discuss characteristics of the most recent generation of people, and listen to a lecture entitled 'Every child, every generation is a product of their times.' They will practise listening for gist and listening for detail. They will also be introduced to the grammar structures 'get used to something' and 'be used to something'.


Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice in the context of a lecture about generations being a product of their times

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be introduced to and understand the grammar structures 'get used to something' and 'be used to something'.
  • Students will practice speaking for fluency


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss what they have been talking about in the previous lessons in order to check their memory and to lead in to the present topic. Hopefully 'childhood' will be elicited. Ask Ss in pairs to briefly discuss how their childhood was different from that of their parents and ask for a few examples during WC FB

Pre-listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening and to make it accessible

Stick the picture of the baby with blackberry phone on the WB and ask Ss what kind of childhood this child has. Pre-teach or elicit some of the new vocabulary that they will hear in the listening, e.g. 'affluent', 'spoilt', technologically savvy', 'consumerism'. Drill pronunciation. Elicit from students the grammar structure 'used to do something' in order to describe how children did not use to have mobile phones. Then write the following sentence on WB: Children didn’t use to talk on the phone, But now children are used to talking on the phone all the time. Elicit from Ss the meaning and form of 'be used to something', use more example sentences if necessary. Also introduce 'get used to something.' Drill and CCQ as appropriate. Finally, draw Ss attention to the sentence written at the top of WB: ‘Every child, every generation is a product of their times.’ Get Ss in pairs to briefly discuss what it means.'

While Listening #1 (6-8 minutes) • To provide Ss with a less challenging gist listening task.

Introduce the listening activity and set the task of answering 3 questions about the recording before distributing the HO. Check Ss understand all the questions before playing the recording. Ss can compare answers in pairs/small groups before WC FB.

While Listening #2 (9-11 minutes) • To provide Ss with a more challenging detailed listening task.

Set the task of listening to the recording again to determine whether six descriptions of the present generation are true or false. Insist that Ss must also be able to explain their reasoning behind their answer, especially with the false answers. They will work individually and then can compare answers in pairs/groups again before WC FB. Be prepared to play recording again if students are having difficulty.

Post-listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the recording and practise using the TL

Re-group/pair Ss and highlight the 3 discussion topics at bottom of handout. Tell them they can choose one to discuss in their pairs/groups. Highlight that they should make use of TL, especially the 'be/get used to something' structure. Feedback on content and accuracy

Flexi-stage (5-6 minutes) • To give Ss further practise using TL

Re-pair students. In pairs, one student will pretend they lived 100 years ago, the other still in the present day. They will create a dialogue in which they compare various aspects of their lives.

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