Mahmoud Shafik Mahmoud Shafik

Teaching Practice 8
Intermediate B1 level


In this lesson, students are going to practice 'if second conditional' through the context of Reading text (phone call script) about Rolling Stones musical band. Furthermore, students will have adequate time to express their personal opinions by discussing what they would do in unreal situations through various controlled practices. This will be followed by practicing varied unreal situations using ''If clause/main clause of second conditional''. At the end of the lesson, they will have been practicing speaking as a productive skill in which they can produce relevant and appropriate clauses of (if second conditional).


Abc Dilemmas 1 (if second conditionals)
Abc Dilemmas 2 (if second conditional questions)
Abc Grammar: Expressing Unreal and imaginary situations using (if second conditional)
Abc Rolling Stones: phone script about famous musical band.

Main Aims

  • In this lesson, students will primarily practice using 'if second conditional' through the context of the previous reading text in which they can identify similar examples of TL. Additionally, they will add their own personalization through semi-controlled practice; they will be able to give questions and answers by imagining unreal wishes.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of the lesson, students will have been practicing speaking skills through controlled practice to focus on students' accuracy while they need to produce accurate structures of the target language.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and get students interested

T shows a picture of a man immersed in dollars and ask the students to close their eyes for a few seconds and imagine what they would do if they WON one million dollars. By brainstorming unreal situations, students can write up their unreal wishes in the speech bubbles drawn on the whiteboard. T can model an example beforehand e.g. "buy a Ferarri" so that students don't need to worry about forming if conditional structure. Feedback: T elicits wc feedback while students are writing their wishes on the wb

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context with the target language through a reading text

As a first step of applying PPP method in this lesson, T sets the context by presenting an example on the wb " If I had one million dollars, I would buy a lake house in Miami" and invite the students to think whether if I have really one million dollars or not and Checks their understanding by using checking questions Feedback: Ss peer check , and share their ideas with wc. Alternatively, T can use CQs T concep-checks students understanding by using CQs: Do you have one million dollars? (No) Can you buy something now with the money? (No) Do we talk about things which are unreal? (Yes) Is it possible to happen in the future? (Yes)

Highlighting (1-2 minutes) • To practise recognizing grammatical structures with 'if second conditional'

Through ‘Guided Discovery’ the teacher asks the students to locate any unreal or imaginary wishes or situations in the reading text Feedback: they will write up on the whiteboard the clauses they have underlined and peer check

Clarification (6-7 minutes) • To clarify meaning, form, and pronunciation of the target language

T writes clearifies the meaning of the new structure of 'if second conditional' and then writes the form on the wb This will be followed by backchaining as a drilling activity to show rising and falling stress of the main and if clauses: At this stage, students will be exposed to rising intonation through the following sentences. In order to improve their pronunciation, they will practice pronunciation and intonation through backchaining as a drilling technique. The main clause here receive rising intonation, while if clause receive falling intonation If I had a car, I’d be able to drive to work The if clause receive rising intonation, while main clause receive falling intonation If I could cook, I’d invite my friends round for dinner

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for meaningful practice

T can start with modelling another example of if second conditionales ask the students to choose the 'real situation' (a,b,or c) that the sentence is based on. In a controlled practice, students need to write unreal conditional sentences (starting with if) based on the real situations they have in the exercise. Feedback, ss check in pairs then T can get feedback from whole class by using more CQs:

Semi-Controlled Practice (9-10 minutes) • To concept check further and focus on the students' speaking accuarcy.

In pairs of A and B, Students are given two handouts from which they need ask each other questions, thought they need to guess their answers beforehand. Feedback: T monitors students while they are asking each others to check their guesses and maintains correction if any grammatical or pronunciation mistakes found.

Free Practice (7-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In two groups, Students will discuss their own imaginary thoughts by using if second conditional in turns. Although, this is a free practice, students will intiuitively refer to if second conditional Feedback: can move around the class and give any help if needed, though he needs to maintain proper distance not to discomfort the students

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