Safi othman Safi othman

B1 level


Main Aims

  • In this Lesson, students will discuss quantifiers. First, they will listen to complete the gaps with quantifiers.Then, they will categorize the quantifiers into three lists which are countable, uncountable, and both. After that, they will work in pairs to discuss which quantifiers best complete the sentences in practice 1 about the university or the place tf work. Finally will work in groups to discuss the place where they live using appropriate quantifiers by using things that are in the box.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • Ss listen to specific information and practice speaking using quantifiers


Warm up (3-5 minutes) • To engage students and break the ice

* Students challenge in a game (cup stacking) : How fast can you do it? * Put students in pairs to build a pyramid of 10 cups. ( 1 min.) * Start with a line of four to make base then place another 3 cups above. Repeat this with a line of 2 cups on top of that, and final cup at the top. * collapse the pyramid into a single stack of cups. Take the top cup and carefully work it down. * The first players who collect all their cups back into one stack wins ICQS: 1- Will you work in pairs or groups? (pairs) 2- Will you build or collapse first? (build) 3- Will the winner just collapse or collect all cups back? ( collect all cups back) 4- What is the time given for the game? (1min.)

Lead in (8-10 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Write the title "The High Line" on the board and ask students in pairs: (1 min.) * Are there parks and other green spaces were you live? * What activities can people do there? * How often do you use them? ICQS: 1- Are you going to work in pairs or groups? ( pairs) 2- Are you going to speak or write? (speak) 3- How much time does it take? (1 min.) * Tell students to look at the photo of the High Line, New york. * Choose a few students to discribe what they can see in the photo.

Pre-teach vocabulary (2-4 minutes) • To explain blocking words that may make it difficult for them to understand the reading text

1- Enthusiastic: Adj. Eliciting questions: 1- What can you see in the picture? (excited team) 2- Why does the leader raise her hand? (to encourage the team) 3- Does the team have the excitement?How? (yes - they raise there hands too) 4- How can we describe their work? (full of enthusiastic) Enthusiastic: showing enthusiasm CCQS: 1- Does the leader encourage her team? (yes) 2- Does the team have the excitement? (yes) 3- Do they work in enthusiastic? (yes) P: /ɪnˌθu·ziˈæs·tɪk/ Form: adjective 2- Space: noun * Eliciting questions: 1- What can you see in the picture? (green land) 2- Does people enjoy these green places? (yes) 3- Do children need places to play in? (yes) 4- What do we call these place? (space) Meaning: an empty area that is free to be used CCQS: 1- Does people enjoy these green places? (yes) 2- Do children need places to play in? (yes) 3- Is there enough space for everyone? (yes) P: /speɪs/ Form: noun

Gist Task (8-10 minutes) • To make the students familiar with the target language before explaining it.

* Ask students to work in pairs and skim the text to answer the following question. They have three minutes to finish this task. * Ask some ICQs to check they understand the task. 1- Are you going to work in pairs or groups? (Pairs) 2- How much time do you have for this activity? (3 minutes) 3- Are you going to complete the sentences or underline the correct words? ( underline the correct words) Read the article again. Underline the correct words. 1- There are lots of I enough species of plants in the High Line park. 2- How much / many visitors go to the park each year? 3- There is very little / too much crime in the park 4- Jen thinks there are very few/ too many tourists there. 5- The website contains lots of / not enough information. 6- There’s not much / too much rubbish in the park. Monitor students as they are working, and provide support if needed.. After two minutes, ask volunteers to read out their answers. Display them using the projector. Answers 1- There are lots of I enough species of plants in the High Line park. 2- How much / many visitors go to the park each year? 3- There is very little / too much crime in the park 4- Jen thinks there are very few/ too many tourists there. 5- The website contains lots of / not enough information. 6- There’s not much / too much rubbish in the park.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To make the students absorb the form ( used to ) in its positive and negative forms.

* T asks ss to look at the words in the previous Ex and categorize the quarantines into three lists. Quarantines which are used with countable nouns. Quarantines which are used with uncountable nouns. Quarantines which are used with both. Ss come to the board to check the answers. * Quantifier is a word or number that shows an amount or number. We can use them with countable and uncountable nouns or both. some, any and no We usually use some in positive statements and any in negatives and questions: There are some nice views from the hotel. He doesn’t have any good music. We can also use no in positive sentences to talk about zero quantity: There’s no crime around here. Large quantities We use lots o f/a lot of in positive sentences, not many I not much / not a lot of in negative sentences and many / much / a lot of in questions: There are quite a lot of cars on the roads today. I haven’t got much money with me. Did many people come to the concert? We don’t need a lot of time to finish this work. In positive sentences, we can use plenty of to show we are happy with the amount: Don’t worry - we've got plenty of food. Small quantities We use a few/ a little to talk about an amount. We use few/ little to talk about a negative amount (i.e. there is not a lot): We have a little time before the show starts. There are a few things I need from the shops. I have very little time to finish this work. This dish has very few ingredients. We can say quite a few/ very few/ very little to increase / decrease the amount. too / not enough We use too much / too many+ noun to say there is more than the right amount. We use not enough to say that there is less than the right amount: I have too much furniture There isn’t enough room for all of it! I couldn't move at the concert because there were too many people. We also use too + adjective / adverb and not + adjective / adverb enough: This suitcase is too heavy. They won’t let you on the plane. You're walking too quickly, I can’t keep up! The meeting room isn’t big enough for all of us. There aren’t enough chairs. You're not walking fast enough. Hurry up! Pronunciation: Much: /mʌtʃ/ Many: /ˈmen·i/ Lot: /lɑt/ Little: /ˈlɪt̬·əl/ Few: /fju/ Enough: /ɪˈnʌf/ Form: 1- With countable nouns (many - few - a few) 2- With uncountable nouns (much - little - a little) 3- Both ( A lot of - lot of - some - any - no)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To make the students produce the target grammar focusing on it only.

Underline the correct quantifier in each sentence. 1- We had any 1 no / none problems 2- My parents read a lot/ a lot of / much books. 3- I’m not tall enough / too/ plenty to be a police officer 4- There’s too little / many / much noise in my block of flats. I can’t sleep. 5- You don’t go out little / many / enough. You should go out more 6- 1 watch much / many/ a lot of television. 7- A Did you get much work done? В Yes, a lot of/ a lot / none. 8- A Have you got any potatoes left? В No, I’ve got some/ any / none. 9- I've been to quite many / few/ a few countries. 10- It’s too much / too / enough hot in here. Can 1 open a window? ICQs: - Are you going to work in pairs or groups? ( pairs ) - Are you going to underline the correct word or complete the sentence? (underline the correct word) - How much time do you have? ( Two minutes ) Answers: 1- We had any 1 no / none problems 2- My parents read a lot/ a lot of / much books. 3- I’m not tall enough / too/ plenty to be a police officer 4- There’s too little / many / much noise in my block of flats. I can’t sleep. 5- You don’t go out little / many / enough. You should go out more 6- 1 watch much / many/ a lot of television. 7- A Did you get much work done? В Yes, a lot of/ a lot / none. 8- A Have you got any potatoes left? В No, I’ve got some/ any / none. 9- I've been to quite many / few/ a few countries. 10- It’s too much / too / enough hot in here. Can 1 open a window?

Extended controlled practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with extra practice of the target language

Ask ss to answer -complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. individually for 3 minutes . ICQs : - Are you going to work in pairs or individually? ( individually ) - Are you going to complete or underline? ( complete) - How much time do you have? ( 3 min ) Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. 1- a I want no visitors for the next 30 minutes. b I don’t want any visitors for the next 30 minutes. 2- a There aren’t enough chairs for everyone. b There are too ................ 3- a 1 wanted a biscuit, but there weren’t any left. b 1 wanted a biscuit, hut there were ......... 4- a Make sure you take plenty of money. b Make sure you take a ........... 5- a They gave us too little information. b They didn’t......... 6- a 1 didn’t see many people. b 1 saw very.................. 7- a We didn’t have any money. b We had................ 8- a She’s got plenty of time tomorrow. b She’s got a............... Answers: 1- a I want no visitors for the next 30 minutes. b I don’t want any visitors for the next 30 minutes. 2- a There aren’t enough chairs for everyone. b There are too ................ 3- a 1 wanted a biscuit, but there weren’t any left. b 1 wanted a biscuit, hut there were ......... 4- a Make sure you take plenty of money. b Make sure you take a ........... 5- a They gave us too little information. b They didn’t......... 6- a 1 didn’t see many people. b 1 saw very.................. 7- a We didn’t have any money. b We had................ 8- a She’s got plenty of time tomorrow. b She’s got a............... Divide the class into groups of four and number them then ask them to discuss their answers together in 2 minutes ICQs: - Are you going to work in pairs or groups? ( groups ) - What are you going to discuss together? ( the answers ) - How much time do you have? ( two mins) Finally, check answers globally.

Semi-controlled practice • To make the students produce the target grammar focusing on it and adding some words by themselves.

* Give students five minutes to describe a place that all the students should knew. * Can they guess the place you are talking about. * Monitor and check that they are using quantifiers correctly. Write sentences about each of the places below. Use quantifiers and the words in the box, and your own ideas. Don’t include the name of the place. • a city area that you know • a country area that you know noise crime space people flowers things to do shops cafes wildlife views pollution traffic ICQs: - Are you going to guess the place or choose one? (guess) - How many sentences should the other group members say? ( two ) - What should they use in their sentences? ( quantifiers ) -How much time do you have? ( 3 mins )

Freer practice • To make the students produce the target grammar in a free conversations.

Ss work in pairs and making an interview between a game player and a reporter talking about the amount of time and the numbers of cups which used in the cup stacking game. using quantifiers. They have 5 mins to finish this activity. ICQs: Are you going to work in pairs or groups? ( pairs ) What are the characters in this interview? ( a game player and a reporter ) How much time do you have? (5 minutes)

PACS • Correcting common mistakes and wrapping up.

Highlight the common mistakes students made during their speaking activities. Try to elicit the corrections from students on the board. Provide the answer if they cannot spot the mistakes.

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