joori joori

Unit 9 Grammar , Passive
Intermediate G6 level


Abc complete handouts

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification ,review and practice the form and usage of passive.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To make ss practice reading for gist.


Warm up (2-3 minutes) • Engaging the students and breaking the ice

Ss are divided into two groups standing opposite to each other. T reads aloud the English letters randomly(not in order) whenever Ss hear the letter o they stretch their arms forward; whenever they hear the letter x they hop.. Student who miss the action will be out of the group .The group which last with a bigger number of student will be the winner group. ICQs 1- How will you play? ( in two groups) 2- How will you stand? (opposite to each other) 3- The one who skip the action?(will leave the game) 4- How much time do you have? (3 min )

Lead in (3 minutes) • set lesson context and engage students

Teacher will display a text (the film is still loved today )on the board and ask Ss to turn their books page 108 and ask them to skim the text in 3 min ,then discuss some Qs individually with the students. Qs: 1- What animated film have you watched? 2- Why do you think it was difficult and costy to produce a film in the past? 3- Do you agree with the last sentence of the article ? ICQs 1- How much time do you have to read? (3 min) 2- How will you discuss the answers with your teacher?(individually)

Pre-teach vocabulary • To explain blocking words in the text .

Teacher will explain some blocking words for students on slides Director (n) Studio (n) Scene (n) and asks some CCQs

Gist Task • to make Ss familiar with the target language before explaining it.

Teacher highlight the sentences in text that are related to the grammar lesson : (the puppets and models in each scene were moved up to 24 times.) (pins were used to make tiny changes to the models) (10,380 puppet mouths were used during filming to create realistic face movements) (each frame was drawn by hand) (Aardman animations' films will be enjoyed in the same way for years to come) T. asks Ss some questions about these sentences so Ss can get to know some conditions about using this form.. Qs: 1- who does the actions in these sentences?(unknown) 2- is it important to to know the subject here? (no) 3- is the subject obvious? (yes) 4- which one is important here subject or object?( object) 5- was this form used only in the past? (no,in future also) The discussion and the answers will be orally and open.. Students will solve the following exercise in (3 min) in pairs Ex: 1- Most of the things we buy __________________in China these days. (make) 1- Most of the things we buy are made in China these days. (make) 2-These programmes __________________by people all over the world. (watch) 3-Breakfast __________________from 7.30 to 10.00. (serve) 4-English __________________here. (speak) 5-Mistakes __________________all the time. Nobody's perfect. (make) 6-Cheques __________________much these days - most people pay by credit card. (not use) 7-Does Stephan set the timer? No, the timer __________________by Stephan. 8-The policeman does a good job. __________ a good job __________by the policeman? ICQs 1-How much time do you have ?(3 min) 2-How will you work?( in pairs) 3- How will you answer the questions?(writing on the sheets) 4- How will find the answers ?(Follow the first sentence as an example) Teacher helps and supports Ss while solving exercise .. after they finish T. displays the answers on the board and all check their answers.


Answers of previous exercise: 2-These programmes are watched by people all over the world. 3-Breakfast is served from 7.30 to 10.00. 4-English is spoken here . 5-Mistakes are made all the time. Nobody's perfect. 6-Cheques aren't used much these days - most people pay by credit card. 7-No, the timer isn’t set by Stephan. 8-Is a good job done by the policeman? Teacher starts explain the rule of passive This type of sentence or verbs we call it Passive. A- in passive form we use auxiliary verb verb be+past participle(third verb) The frames were drawn perfectly. We use passive when : 1- The subject(doer) is not important. 2- The (doer) is very obvious. 3-The main thing we are talking about is the object of the verb. 4 - We don't know who exactly does or what cause something. B- Verb be can come in past tens ,in present ,and in the future ( will be + past participle) C-We use by t introduce the person who make the action ,and by for tool,instrument or technique. Ss will solve some sheets to start practice Passive. Controlled practice: A- Are the underlined verbs are Passive or Active ? Write P next to the sentence if the underlined verbs are passive ,write A if they are active .. 2 min, in pairs 1- They dont have any special effects. 2- It took five years to make this extremely ambitious film. 3-Here, a pin is being used to move the puppet's eyes. 4- Thousands of frames were drawn by hands. 5-The film cost six times more to make than Disney had planned. 6-Snow white is still loved today by children. 7- Aardman animations' films will be enjoyed in the same way for many years to come. ICQs : will you work in groups or in pairs? (in pairs) Are you going to say the answers orally or going to write them?(write them) Are you going to write full answer?(only a letter) How much time do you have?(2 min) Answers: A A P P A p p

Controlled Practice • To make students practice and focus on target language

A- Ss are asked to solve the sheets in small groups in 1 min Underline the correct words in the rules. We can use the passive when: 1- we know/don't know who did an action. 2-It's obvious/not obvious who did an action. 3- It's important/not important who did an action. ICQs : how much time do you have? (1 min) how will you work? (small groups) how will you answer? (underline on the sheet) B-

Semi-controlled Practice • Make the students produce the target grammar

T. divides the class into groups each group will choose the one who will say the answer after they discuss it. they have a minute for each group. Write passive using the words: 1- the car / wash 2-the cat / feed 3-a dictionary / use / not 4-the money / spend 5-. Somebody hit me 6-They didn't make their beds. 7-the food / eat / not 8-the tables / clean / not ICQs: how will you work?(4 groups) how much time do you have?(4 min) who will say the answer?(each group decide) how will you answer? (write the answer then read it to the class)

Freer Practice • Let the Ss use free conversation using target grammar

T.asks students talk individually about strange or funny dreams they have dreamed while sleeping (real once) using passive . all in 7 min ICQs how will you talk? (individually) will you write or speak?(speak) how much time do you have? (7 min)

PACS • Wrap up and correct the mistakes of the Ss

T. listens to Ss during their speaking ..spots their common mistakes ,writes them on the board and elicit the correction from the Ss .

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