ayoub ben chaalia ayoub ben chaalia

TP 5
Intermediate level


In this lesson, Students learn about the different use of the word 'take'. they will have the possibility to practice speaking for a specific context.


Abc Exercise 2
Abc Exercise 3 Student A
Abc Exercise 3 Student B
Abc Slips 1.xlsx

Main Aims

  • To practice the different ways of using the word 'take' in a specific context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice semi-controlled speaking


Warmer/Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ensure that the students' cards are in front of them. Remix the students in order to ensure that they work with different groups.T tells a situation to SS and elicit the word 'take' from them. T writes down the word take on the board.

Test #1 (2-3 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T tries to relate the word 'take' to different context and students guess the different words elicited (take after, take a test, take a holiday, take turns).

Teach (3-5 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

T writes down the words elicited on the whiteboard and tries to check their form with students (Verb+adverb, Verb+ Noun, Verb+preposition)

Test #2 (3-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T asks SS to work in pairs. T provides slips from Ex1b and asks the students to match the slips together according to the meaning. T monitors the activity and provides the students with another sheet where they have to tick the phrases that have the same meaning. This should be done in a group work. T runs feedback through CCQs

Teach (3-5 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the second test stage

T writes down sentences and tires to elicit the meaning of each sentence. T explains the form and meaning of each sentence. T drills the sentences in class and deals with different stress patterns related to those sentences.

Test #3 (3-5 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first and second test

T asks SS to work in groups and explains the fact that they have to put words from column A into separate groups according to the diagram provided in Ex 2. T monitors and runs a whole class feedback.

Free practice (13-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T provides handouts for two groups A and B. T asks students to fill in the gaps with words related to 'take'. T asks the students to work in pairs. SS have to ask and answer questions related to Ex3. T monitors and takes notes for error correction.

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