Erick Erick

Practice collocations with the word 'day'
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn how to use collocations with the word 'day' such as "twice a day" or "three days a week" to talk about their health routines and habits.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of collocations with the word 'day' in the context of health routines and habits

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy in the use of collocations with the word 'day' during a conversation


Warmer/Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T asks Ss what they do everyday. Ss answer and ask one another freely.

Exposure (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Ss read a dialog between two friends who run into each other while running at the park. After studying the dialog, they answer the open question that follows and compare their answers in pairs. OCFB follows.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ss look at the first slide which shows an image of the month of June in the 2020 calendar. CCQs: When was Friday? (Yesterday) And Thursday? (The day before) The day before yesterday. In the conversation, when did Gina start running? (The day before yesterday) T elicits elements of form, then models sound and has Ss do coral and individual repetition to check pronunciation (word stress, sentence stress, weak form of 'before') Ss look at the third slide which shows the days of the week, four of which are marked with the silhouette of a woman running. CCQs: How many days are marked with the icon? (four) Does this person run four days? (Yes) And the other three? (Possible answers: She rests / She doesn't run) She runs four days a week. T elicits each element of form in the expression, then models sound has Ss do coral and individual repetition to check pronunciation (word and sentence stress, linking, weak form for 'a') T asks Ss to mention things that they do four days a week. Ss look at the fifth slide which shows a family getting ready to watch a movie and an image with the word "Sunday" below. CCQs: Do you work on Sundays? (No) What do you do on Sundays? (Possible answers: Nothing / I rest / etc.) You have a day off. (Students may mention that they have two or three days off). T elicits elements of form and models sound, then has Ss do coral and individual repetition to check pronunciation (word stress and linking) CCQs: Do you like to watch movies on your day off? Do you sometimes spend your entire day off doing that? > watch movies all day T elicits elements of form for the expression and then models sound and has Ss do coral and individual repetition to check pronunciation (word stress)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares with Ss the link to the handout taken from "New Cutting Edge" Pre-Intermediate p. 37 and gives them instructions to complete the sentences by choosing the words and phrases from the list. T asks ICQs to check instruction comprehension. Ss answer individually and then compare answers in pairs. OCFB follows.

Free Practice (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss speak in pairs about their past and present health habits and routines (exercise, diet). T models activity with a strong students first. T encourages Ss to use TL. Once free practice time is up, Ss report their classmate's past and current health habits and routines to the rest of the class for OCFB.

Delayed error correction (4-7 minutes) • To help students correct innacuracy, misuse or misunderstanding of the TL

T praises Ss for a work well done and uses whiteboard to highlight good language use during FP activity. Then T writes incorrect statements and allows Ss to write on the shared whiteboard. T encourages Ss to correct statements and to repeat them briefly in the context. T clarifies doubts Ss may still have. T wraps up lesson and thank Ss.

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