Frazer Worthington Frazer Worthington

Solutions LP_Pages 78 - 79
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students are introduced to geographical features by listening to an advert for a holiday on an island. The students focus on producing the words in context through the designing of a short radio advertisement describing famous landmarks in Vietnam. In the second half of the class, students are introduced to comparatives through a P-P-P approach and play a game to practice making comparisons in a semi-controlled activity. In the final free activity, the class make comparisons on places or activities they know.


Abc Presentation
Abc Homework handout ( x 1 for each student )
Abc Treasure Map ( x 4 stuck around the room )
Abc Words cards, pictures and gap fill's ( x 1 set for pairs )
Abc Planning worksheet ( x 1 for each student )

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of geographical features in the context of a radio holiday advert.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of comparative adjectives in the context of comparing places and animals.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. Tell the class there are some maps around the classroom with some pictures on them. 2. Put the class into pairs A and B. Student A will come to the teacher and listen to the name of a geographical feature. Student A tells B. B goes and finds the geographical feature on the map. The student signals to show they have finished. The T.A checks to see if this student is correct. They win a point. 3. The teacher writes the geographical feature up onto the board. 4. Lead into the topic of the class. 5. Show slide one to the class and ask them to think about the topic of the lesson.

Present the vocabulary to the students. (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. Have the class guess the topic of the lesson and what they will do. 2. Tell the class they will make a radio advert for a holiday on an island. First, you want to show them some features of different islands. 3. Show slide two and elicit the familiar words from the class. Checking pronunciation and meaning. The T.A can clarify translate unknown words and write them on the board. ( Check page 78 exercise 1. There is one missing word; river ) Show slide three and clarify the difference between the sea and the ocean. Remove the squares by clicking the slide. 4. Distribute Worksheet A to individuals. Tell the class they are going to listen to an example of a radio advert. This is what they will be able to do at the end of the lesson. Play the audio once for students to listen only. Play CD 3.04 to the class. Students listen and raise a hand when they hear one of the geographical features. Play again and students complete the table in their book. 5. Show the text on slide four and complete the answers with the class.

Vocabulary studying (10-10 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language.

1. Put students into pairs and distribute the pictures and word cards. Students work together to match the pictures. 2. Hand the gap-fill sentences to the student and have them match to make a group of three ( word, picture, gap-fill sentence ). 3. Monitor and walk around pairs, checking, confirming and handing the sentences when needed. 4. Pairs that finish early place all the cards face down and play a memory game. Draw one of the pictures and word card. Match make a sentence, if they do not, students place back in the same place. Play continues until all the cards are gone. 5. When the class has finished check feedback by putting students between one table or desk with the words cards face up. Tell the class you will read a sentence with a blank, ( the ones from the activity ), students then need to race to hit the correct word. They receive a point. 6. Complete the class, checking their answers. 7. Move to the next stage and focus on the Look Out! section on page 78.

Clarification (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

1. Students close their books. Show slide five. Read the instructions to the class. Provide one example for the class and circle ' Lake Geneva ' and say, ' This must be a lake '. 2. Clarify the task with the students and set a timer of three minutes to complete. 3. Show slide six and ask the class, ' Where would I find each feature? ' 4. Focus on exercise 3. Students work in pairs to complete the answers. 5. Answers; Check teachers notes.

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

1. Focus on exercise 6 with the class. 2. Tell the class to listen and complete the information on the exercise. Play CD 3.04. 3. Pairs check the answers together. Mountains - beautiful, beaches - quiet, waterfall - famous, desert - amazing. 4. Explain to the class these types of expressions can be used during their radio announcement for a holiday. 5. Put the students into pairs to complete the radio advert. 6. Distribute the planning worksheet to pairs. Have students think about the questions for three minutes and write their ideas on the worksheet.

Free Practice (15-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

1. Student's work together to write a short advertisement in their notebooks. 2. Pairs work together and practice their radio advert. 3. Teacher monitors and circulates the students checking for their performance. 4. Save five minutes at the end to hear the students performances. 5. Listen for the use of the vocabulary from the lesson and the structure of the radio advert according to planning worksheet. 6. Give pairs feedback and a score for their performance.

Break (5-5 minutes)
Lead-in (3-4 minutes)

1. Show slide six. Ask the class, ' Who wins a Shark or a Killer Whale?' 2. Elicit ideas from the students. Ask and encourage answers, ' Why do you say that?'. 3. Students work individually to write two statements who would win the fight.

Exposure to the target language. (7-8 minutes) • To highlight and clarify language.

1. Focus on exercise 1 - Explain the activity and ask the students to find the answers to support their statements about who would win and why. 2. Demonstrate an example on slide 7. Say to the class, ' I was wrong because the text says ' Killer Whales are bigger and faster '. 3. Students work individually for three minutes to find the answers and write in their notebooks. 4. Students find more examples and then complete exercise two and finish the table with comparative adjectives from the text.

Clarification of meaning, form and use. (10 minutes)

1. Students close their books. 2. Show slide twelve to the class. Pair students and read the activity to the class. Set a time limit of five minutes for the pairs to try and solve the rules. 3. Click the slide for fast finishers to complete another task. 4. Show slide thirteen to clarify the meaning. Then practice drilling each sentence, focusing on the word stress and the linking sounds.

Semi-controlled practice (5-6 minutes)

1. Tell the class they are going to learn about which animals are the fastest or slowest. Show slide eight to the class and brainstorm lots of different animals. 2. Write on the board; _______ is a lot faster/slower than _______. _______ quite a bit faster/slower than _______. _______ not much faster/slower than _______. Circle two of the animals in the spidergram and invite a student to make a sentence comparing their speed. E.g. A horse is a lot faster than a hedgehog. 3. Choose 3 students: A, B and C. Student A chooses an animal from the spidergram. Student B chooses a different animals. Student C makes a sentence comparing their speed. 4. Invite the other students to say whether they agree or not with Student C’s sentence. Encourage students to use some of the useful language on the board. ( Top left and right )

Homework handout (2-2 minutes)

1. Give the students the homework handout. 2. Students need to complete the sentences ready for the next lesson. 3. Extra time; Students start to complete the worksheet.

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