Heather Heather

Upper Intermediate level


Lexical text-based lesson on extreme adjectives


Abc Elephant Article
Abc TP2 PowerPoint
Abc pg. 73 Cutting Edge Intermediate
Abc pg. 54 Cutting Edge Intermediate Teacher's Book

Main Aims

  • To practice and improve students' understanding and use of extreme adjectives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for gist and using context clues to understand extreme adjectives.
  • To practice using extreme adjectives in conversation


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T shows picture from article to students and nominates Ss to predict what happened. T introduces news report that Ss will read.

Presentation through Text (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation and to practice reading for gist

Ss read the news report for gist and come up with a title for the interview on the Google Forms. Students then check their answers with pairs in breakout rooms and vote on the best title in the Zoom Poll.

Clarification (10-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T sets matching activity on Google Jamboard. Ss work in breakout rooms to match extreme adjectives with synonyms. T tells Ss to use context of text to help. T monitors groups and Jamboards. T reviews the answers with students and clarifies the proper pronunciation. T models pronunciation and drills with students. CCQ's: Starving- where is the stress? (1st) /’stɑːvɪŋ/; Deafening – where is the stress? (1st) How many syllables? (2) /ˈdefnɪŋ/; Terrible – where is the stress? (1st syllable) /ɪ/ in terrible – different from cognate in Spanish; Hilarious- where is the stress? (2nd syllable) - /h/ sound T asks students: What do we call these words? (adjectives). Are these gradable adjectives or extreme adjectives? (extreme)T sets Google Forms activity to teach Form. Ss work on the activity in breakout rooms. T monitors groups. T reviews the correct answers and nominates students to answer CCQ's: Which words used very? (angry, loud); Are they extreme or gradable adjectives? (gradable); Can very be used with extreme adjectives? (no) ; Can absolutely and completely be used with gradable adjectives? (NO) ; If it is quite loud, is it a little loud or very loud? (A little); If it is quite deafening, is it a little deafening or absolutely deafening? (Absolutely)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T sets controlled practice activity (with demo) Ss will have 5 minutes to work on the task before checking their answers in pairs. Ss work on task individually and then check in pairs before OCFB. T nominates students to answer questions in OCFB.

Freer Practice (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

T sets speaking activity and has a few students share ideas with the class. Ss discuss questions in breakout rooms and rotate rooms to talk with different people. 1. When was the last time you were furious? Why? 2. What has been a huge challenge for you during quarantine? 3. What did you find terrifying as a child? Do you still find it terrifying? 4. What is something that you find hilarious? T monitors speaking activity and moves students around in breakout rooms.

Feedback/DEC (3-5 min) (3-5 minutes) • To help students improve their language through delayed error correction

T takes notes during speaking activity about students' ideas and some errors. T asks some students to share bout what they discussed during the activity. T writes a few errors on board and Ss try to fix the errors. T guides Ss to correct grammar/lexis/pronunciation.

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