Yasser Yasser

Unusual Places
Upper-intermediate level


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Main Aims

  • To encourage and give students practice in speaking for fluency through the context of Unusual Hotels.
  • Students will practice using their summarizing skills.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To help build comprehension and provide clarification of new vocabulary.
  • To give students practice in deducing meaning of words from the context of unusual places.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- The teacher starts the class by a riddle to elicit the word ''Hotel''. - The teacher puts the students in pairs to discuss the questions on HO 1. - The teacher gives the students a time limit. - The teacher monitors the students. - The teacher gives a whole class feedback.

Pre-Reading (3-5 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

- The teacher divides the students into (2,3 or 4) groups depending on the number of students that session. - The text will be divided into 4 different parts (A,B,C,D). - The teacher assigns 1 (or more) part(s) for each group. - The teacher asks the students to read the part assigned to them fast and find some words that match the meanings on HO2 given to them. - The students check their answers together and the teacher gives feedback.

While-Reading 1 (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with a deduction and inference reading task

- The teacher asks the students to read the part assigned to them again in their own group. - The teacher asks the students to answer the questions on HO3. - The teacher gives a time limit. - The students check the answers in their own group and the the teacher gives feedback.

Productive Task (10-15 minutes) • Students will evaluate information and share their knowledge in groups.

- The teacher puts one student from each group in one(or two) group(s) together and asks them to tell each other about the part of the text they have read and ask and answer any questions they have. - The teacher gives a time limit. - The teacher monitors and gives feedback at the end.

Post-Reading (10-15 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

- The teacher asks all students to read the whole text (to be able to answer the questions on HO4). - The teacher puts the students in different groups. - The teacher asks the students to discuss the questions on HO4. - The teacher gives a time limit. - The teacher monitors closely and takes notes. - The teacher provides feedback on both the content or the performance of the students.

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