Ariel R. De Castro Ariel R. De Castro

TP 6b "Rice"_Reading
A2 level


In this lesson Ss practice in reading a text set in the background of rice production and consumption. Ss will be warmed up by images (Power Point) of various Turkish cuisine dishes where rice is the main ingredient. This will lead up to a pre-teaching vocabulary time, essential for understanding the text. As a gist task, Ss will have to find why rice is so important and popular in the world. For intensive reading, Ss will look for info indicating amounts of rice production and consumption, as well as types of rice (quantity), and the most typical combinations of rice and other products in different areas of the world. There will also be group discussions, activities to check understanding, and a follow-up task based on the different uses of rice (other than food).


Abc H/O Macmillan Straightforward Elementary Student's Book, Teacher's Book and Workbook (Clandfield)
Abc Power Point

Main Aims

  • To give practice in reading for gist and detail as well as understanding

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce and review new vocabulary


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • Introducing topic

T uses a handful of rice to tell Ss about the topic of the class (realia). A Power point presentation shows images of different typical Turkish dishes containing rice (visual) and T asks the following questions: Do you know other foods made with rice?. After hearing and sharing some ideas w/c, T formulates another question: In which countries do you think people eat a lot of rice? (brainstorming).

Highlighting and Clarification (12-15 minutes) • Pre-teaching vocabulary essential for understanding the text.

Words: population; production; distribution; desert; tropical forest; dry land; wet land; environmental; pollution. T writes the word "production" (noun) on w/b and asks Ss what they think it could mean. T helps Ss to elicit meaning by giving a sentence in which the noun is used: ·"Hollywood is a place for film production." ·Distribution (noun): drawing oranges and distributing them between three names written below (eg. 2 oranges for Mary, 2 for Joe and 2 for Deniz). · Other words to be elicited on w/b and also using pictures: rain forest---wet land dry land---desert ·Environment (noun) --- Air, water, land, trees, everything around. · "Environmental" (adject.) eg: "Pollution" is an environmental problem. All of these words are to be drilled chorally!

Reading for gist (10-12 minutes) • To give Ss controlled practice on reading for gist

For the first controlled practice Ss read for gist. They will skim read quickly to find which of the three paragraphs match the following headlines: a. Rice in danger b. Rice -an important food c. Why I like rice d. Why rice is so popular? In the second controlled practice Ss scan read the whole text and answer 6 questions about it. (Reading ex's 1-6, p 74 Student's book). Ss check their answers in groups and then FB is taken w/c.

Reading for detail (8-10 minutes) • To give Ss a semi-controlled practice to learn facts.

Taking their time Ss read again and choose two facts they did not know before reading the article. Ss compare with a partner and have a brief discussion. If there are any problems or questions, T deals with them w/c.

Written task (8-10 minutes) • Freer practice to test grammar use.

Ss are given a set of words from the text to write two or three sentences. This serves the purpose of checking for any grammar problem Ss might have and also to reflect their knowledge on the meaning of those words. To discuss and take w/c FB, Ss share their sentences in small groups and w/c.

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