Thomas Dowling Thomas Dowling

Teaching Practice 7
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about reported speech in the context of giving opinions. The lesson will be capped by some speaking practice in the form of a S-centred survey where they will have a chance to practice the grammar focus of the lesson.


Abc Student Book HO
Abc Teacher's HOs 1-3
Abc Teacher's Book
Abc Answer Key (from the Teacher's Book)

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of reported speech in the context of opinions

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a survey in the context of opinions


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T tells a short story: Yesterday, I was talking to my friend about male and female drivers in England. He said that ‘women are terrible drivers and cause many car accidents.’ I told him that ‘women are much better drivers than men because they drive really carefully.’ Think about what my friend said. Is it true of Turkey? Share your opinion with your partner. Give students a minute to think of some ideas and elicit them. Draw student attention to the speech marks. CCQ: Why did I use speech marks? Because some else said it. This is called Reported Speech (write this on the WB as the lesson title) When might we use or find reported speech? Newspapers, TV, academic studies, book reviews, novels, etc.

Test #1 (6-8 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

T chests exercise one, asking Ss to fold their paper to focus. T then distributes HO and asks Ss to look at Grammar Exercise 1. Who can read the question? What do you think reported statements are? We use reported speech/statements to show what one person has said to another (written or orally) E.g. a police statement: ‘The man said he was just holding the gun for a friend.’ CCQ: What's the context? What did you read about with Mahmoud? Giving opinions about men and women. What do you think reported verbs are? They are action when communicating the reported speech. T asks Ss to look at the words in the box. Think about these reporting verbs, and write which one you think goes in the gap. Elicit answer (told). T to write the sentence on the WB while Ss read. Which word must you delete from the statement to use any of the other verbs? Elicit answer (us)

Teach (15-20 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

Part One: Use T tells Ss that said, told and replied, mean much the same. But admitted, claimed, explained, insisted, and suggested are a little different. T gives student hand out and asks them to read the definitions (for one minute) The most common reported verbs are said, told and asked. CCQ: are these past simple or present simple ? (say, tell, ask) Elicit which word follows 'Told' and 'asked' Told and asked are always followed by an object pronoun (me, him/her, etc.) Elicit some examples from Ss He told us… I asked him … Think about said. What is follows said? Said is followed by an optional 'that.' CCQ: Do you always have to write 'that'? No. It's optional. Elicit some examples using the HO 1 (and give them a minute to have a look). Admitted, claimed, explained, insisted, replied suggested, promised are all followed by the optional that. He admitted... They claimed ... Reported Questions (if time) We use whether and if for reported questions Are you married - They asked us whether we were married Can I extend my holiday? - I asked if I could extend my holiday. Part 2: One Step Backwards T chests T HO2 to Ss, asking that they fold the HO in half. Then asks them to look at the HO. What do you notice? Take a look and then check with a partner (on the other side) T then asks Ss to open the HO to read the rule. Gives the Ss a few minutes to think of some examples. T then gets Ss to complete exercise 2 in the S HO and elicits answer.

Test #2 Direct Speech (8-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

T asks Ss to complete Excerise 3 from the SB. T is testing to see if Ss have understood the 'one step back rule' and are able to apply the rule to new material. Ss student check using an answer key. Rule: When we are telling a story we may want to include the exact words someone said. We can do this as direct speech (or quoted speech) 'Don't worry,' he said. 'I did it,' she said in a clear voice. Source: Scrivener, p.259

(If time) Free practice: Class Survey (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language (to be done if there is time, and doesn't need to be finished to achieve aims)

T gives Ss the Survey HO (HO3) T tells Ss to ask 8 different Ss the 8 questions (from the SB) on the survey, and write down what they say (doesn't have to be perfect [fluency practice during a 'class mingle'] T then gets Ss to share at the end using the grammar structures for reported speech. Ex. Mustafa said (that) he is reading Frankenstein. Ex. Kemal asked me if I enjoy reading biographies. I replied that I do.

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