Teaching vocabulary online
Basic level
In this lesson plan, teachers learn how to plan and implement a lesson on teaching effectively vocabulary online.
Main Aims
To provide clarification of occupations in the context of gender related
Subsidiary Aims
To provide clarification of make, female, inclusive and compound occupations in the context of in the USA and Mexico
Procedure (28-36 minutes)
Warm up (5-6 minutes) • Activate English
Greet students. Ask them what their, their teacher, parents, siblings occupation are.
High challenge (15-20 minutes) • To recall occupations
Show occupation flash cards and ask students if they remember them. Do choral and individual repetition. Model and correct pronunciation. Use occupations in contest e.g. I am a student and you are my teacher. My father is an engineer and my mother is a homemaker. Make emphasis on a/an, am/is/are, gender, inclusive and compound occupations: waiter and waitress=server, policeman and policewoman=police officer and bus driver (two worrds), engineer and homemaker (male and female).
Wake up (8-10 minutes) • To practice vocabulary in context
Ss interact with each other while recalling occupation.
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