islam islam

Copy of TP 8 Reported Speech
Intermediate level


In this lesson the learners will practice using reported speech, focusing on the reporting verbs 'said, asked and told.' They will first take a quick test so T can gauge their familiarity/ability with the target language. If they do well on the test the T will do a very brief clarification and move straight to practice tasks. If they have difficulty with the test then the students will be exposed to the target language via a short text, the target language will then be clarified before the practice stage. In the controlled practice stage the students will practice changing sentences from direct speech into reported speech. In the semi-controlled practice the Ss will play a game of 'broken telephone'. In the freer practice the students will do a mingle activity where they interview as many classmates as possible before reporting their findings back to their partner.


Abc Teacher-made short text using reported speech
Abc Test adapted from 2007
Abc teacher-made 'change the sentences into reported speech' hand out
Abc teacher-made 'change the sentences into reported speech' hand out
Abc Test adapted from 2007
Abc Teacher-made short text using reported speech
Abc Teacher-made short text using reported speech
Abc Test adapted from 2007
Abc teacher-made 'change the sentences into reported speech' hand out
Abc teacher-made 'change the sentences into reported speech' hand out
Abc Test adapted from 2007
Abc Teacher-made short text using reported speech

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of reported speech in the context of gossip

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice using reported speech in the context of gossip


Lead-in (2-3 minutes) • To set lesson context of gossip and engage students

T: I'm a bit worried that some people are talking about me behind my back. T: Who knows what we call that in English? ('gossip) Do you do it? Ask your partner whether they think it is ok to gossip about other people or not? T takes FB very quickly

Test (5-7 minutes) • To test to what extent the Ss understand meaning and form of reported speech using the verbs 'said, told and asked'

T chests HO. This is a test. Please do it individually. T does quick demo on the board just to clarify instructions. Don't worry I'm not going to fail anyone, it is just to see how much you already know. T monitors Ss peercheck and get an answer key

Exposure (5-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T chests HO Now we are going to read a short text. It's a diary entry by somebody that you know. I want you to read it and underline the verbs used to report back on what somebody else has said. For example, 'she told me that Jeremy said...'Which is the verb? Work in pairs. You have three minutes. ICQs Which words are we underlining? Are we working alone?

Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language from the short text

T elicits some examples of reported speech from the text and writes them on the WB eg 'she told me that Jeremy and Shajeel don’t want to eat lunch with me'' 'Jeremy said that my Australian accent is annoying' 'She asked me why I don’t just eat lunch somewhere else.'

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of reported speech statements and questions using the verbs 'said, told, and asked'

*** length/depth of clarification will depend on results of the test in first stage*** T asks CQs based on marker sentences on WB to check meaning. What are these sentences about? (previous conversations/things other people have said etc) Which verb tells us it is reported speech? (told/said/asked) Is it an absolutely true fact or just what somebody remembers was said?(just what somebody said) Form: T: which verb is followed by a direct object (eg me/him) 'told' and 'asked. Is this correct 'she said me that ...' Why? What's wrong? (we don't need a direct object after 'said' only after 'told' and 'asked') Which verb is followed by a question word (asked) T crosses out 'that' after 'said'. Is this ok? (yes, it is optional, when we are speaking we often don't say 'said that' but it is better to use it when writing) (write direct speech on WB: 'Claire's Australian accent is annoying' Which tense is this in? (present) which tenses are the two reported statements in? (simple present/simple past) Is it also correct to say 'Jeremy says that my Australian accent is annoying?' (Yes) What is the difference? ('says' suggests that it is a true statement whereas 'said' emphasises that it is not necessarily a fact but just what somebody is reported to have said) So in reported speech we often use the tense before in time (in example about simple present becomes simple past) Eg M: 'I already ate rice for lunch' = Reported: he said that he had already eaten rice for lunch' So past simple direct speech changes to past perfect in reported speech. Use quick timeline to demo as necessary. Marker sentences: 'she told me that Jeremy and Shajeel don’t want to eat lunch with me'' 'Jeremy said that my Australian accent is annoying' /Jeremy says my Australian accent is annoying' 'She asked me why don’t I just eat lunch somewhere else.' Pronunciation: T drills whole sentences naturally chorally and individually. T does a quick drilling exercise by asking one S a question and then asking another S to report what was said. T makes sure to do on-the-spot error correction here.

Controlled Practice (5-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

*** If students do really well on test or appear to know concept well I may skip this stage *** T chests HO Here are some sentences, change them into reported speech. Eg 'I like chocolate' She said she likes chocolate Work in pairs. T tells each pair to check with the pair next to them T elicits a couple of answers for fb on content/error correction purposes T gives Ss answer key

Controlled Practice Game 'broken telephone' (5-8 minutes) • To provide students with practice using reported speech

**** this is a flexi-stage that depends on time and how the test goes as to whether it is included and when****** T divides class into two teams. Instructions: Make sure you are sitting close enough that you can speak quietly to the person next to you. Now one person from each team is going to come up one at a time and take a sentence. Don't say it out loud and don't show anybody. Then go back and whisper your sentence to the person next to you. Each person whispers until it reaches the end of the line. The person at the end has to change it to reported speech. EG the sentence is 'I like chocolate' so the person at the end has to say 'she said that she likes chocolate'. If it is correct then you get a point and the next person goes. ICQs: can we show our sentence? (no) Can we say it loudly? (no) If the person gets the reported speech wrong, can we correct them (yes) Ss start game, T monitors and error corrects.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice using reported speech

T gives instructions: Ok, now we are going to stand up, go around and ask each member of the class as many questions as you can. What kind of questions? elicit some quickly: 'do you take the metro?' 'What is your favourite colour etc' Make a note of some answers so that you remember. You only have two minutes. Then sit back down and report to your partner all the things that you learned. The pair who accurately report the most things wins. T monitors T takes FB T does delayed error correction on WB

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