James Knowles James Knowles

Teaching Practice 4
Elementary level


Abc 1984 gap-fill handout
Abc Gap-fill Verb List
Abc Irregular Verbs in Past Simple Handout
Abc Questions Cut-Ups
Abc Questions Handout

Main Aims

  • To practice the past simple question forms using irregular verbs in the context of people's lives

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice reading for specific information


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Tell students that we are going to look at some pictures from 1984. Instruct them to call out any names of people they recognize. ICQs: "Are you writing?" "Are you going to speak?" "What are you going to say?" Show ss the PPT of famous people, elicit names, or provide them if ss do not recognize the people.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To introduce target language students will use in production activities

Tell ss they are going to read a paragraph, and fill in the missing verbs. Explain that I will give each table a list of verbs, and they are to work together to decide which verbs complete each of the sentences. Show ss the sample gap-fill on PPT and tell them they may work together in groups. ICQs: "Are you speaking?" "Are you writing?" "What words are we putting in the boxes?" "Which verbs?" Hand out gap-fills and one verb list per table. Give ss 2-3 minutes to finish. Monitor. When ss are finished, put the completed gap-fill on the PPT and have ss check their work at tables.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

Tell ss that we are going to practice making some questions. Instruct ss that we will make a sentence together as a class by putting the words in the proper order. Choose 6 ss to help, and give them each one word from the sample questions, "How many computers did Apple sell?" Arrange the ss in the front of the class so the sentence is out of order. Instruct the ss to tell you which word comes first in the sentence. Have that person move to the beginning. Ask for the second word, and so on until the ss are arranged in the correct order. Have ss say the sentence together, and elicit a response from the text. Divide ss into 6 small groups. Give each group a sample sentence cut-up to put in the correct order. ICQs: "Are you working together?" "What are you making out of these?" When ss have finished, have them give their question to the class, and error-check with the class. Drill sentences for intonation using finger counting technique.

Controlled Practice (5-7 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

Instruct ss that they are going to work in pairs to ask and answer these questions. Count ss off so the pairs are mixed, and instruct ss to take turns asking and answering the questions from the text. Give ss Questions Handout to work from. Monitor ss while they do this activity, 3-5 minutes.

Useful Language (5-8 minutes) • To have ss create and answer questions using the target language

Tell ss we are going to try making some more questions on our own. Show ss PPT of sample question and have them ask you the first, then answer the second as an open pair. Instruct them to work through the questions in the Practice section of the Questions Handout by themselves, filling in the correct verb, and thinking of the answers. ICQs: "Are you working together?" "Are you writing anything?" "Are you answering the questions?" "Are you writing down your answers?" Monitor ss for 3-4 minutes while they complete the questions.

Freer Practice (5-10 minutes) • To have ss practice the target language by asking each other questions about themselves

Tell ss we are going to ask one another these questions. Have ss stand up and instruct them to go around the room and ask each question to two other people. They will answer the questions about themselves. ICQs: "Are you speaking?" "What are you asking?" "Whom are you asking?" "You're going to answer about whom?" Monitor while ss mingle, and take notes for error correction.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Put some examples of errors ss were making on the board alongside proper forms ss were saying, and instruct ss to correct them. Ask ss to give some samples of answers they received from other ss during the Q&A time. Check ss responses for proper forms. If there were pronunciation problems, put these on the board and drill ss on sounds, especially /t/ /d/ and /id/. If there's time, pair off ss to give examples of things which happened in the year they were born, using target language.

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