Tulay Senyuzlu Tulay Senyuzlu

TP 5


In this lesson students learn about functional language for making and responding to requests through guided discovery based on listening activities of tourists going to a hotel. The lesson start with eliciting the context hotel then onto people who stay in hotels. This is followed by 2 listening for gist exercises where students elicit meaning of signs for hotels such as 'Dog friendly'. We then focus on meaning and form of requesting May, Could, Can structures and responses. I will elicit the rising intonation in requests, then we will move on to controlled practice and then cut strips to practice more.Finally we will finish the lesson with Role plays and cards given to act the role.


Abc Scrambled sentence strips
Abc Role play cards
Abc Starightforward Elementary Work Book
Abc Worksheet

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of language used for asking for permission in the context of hotels

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about asking for permission in the context of hotels.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will elicit the context of hotels by showing some famous hotel flash cards, (Luxury Resort Hotel, B&B, Boutique Hotel) and also questions to differentiate the types of hotels there are. Look at the pictures, What are they? (hotels) What type of hotel? ( 5 star) Were is Sultan Ahmet? Who am I? (tourist) I go to this hotel, and stay here, I am now a guest.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Students will listen to an audio, Students will be able to answer "Which hotel are they visiting?" The previous pages 2 hotel visuals will be on the screen while they decide which hotel. EX. 1.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Student will be able to listen for gist and match the Second listening for gist will be listening to the conversations in order to match the signs with integrated forms of asking for permission. EX. 3. Listen, ABCD , 1234 match them.

Highlighting 2 (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language.

Students will be able to listen for detail and complete the blanks with the words in the box for EX.3.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

I will point to the functional language box and ask the ss to read.Then will check the meaning of 'permission' and 'respond'. I will ask one of the Ss "Give me you pen!" and wait for reaction, then ask the class what did I want?(pen) Did I ask nicely? (no) How can I ask in a nice way? I will elicit Can I... Could I ... May I.... etc and ask the students to finish the sentences. To encourage a student to ask for something from me, using the target language, Do you want my book? (nodding to encourage in saying yes) T: Ask me. S: Can I have your book? T: No you can't! (Thanking the student, S sits down)Then asking the class, What did the student want? (book) Did I respond nicely? (No). I will elicit respond means to answer. How Can I respond nicely? Yes of course etc... writing the possible responses on the board. Focusing on Permission, i.e: go to the toilet, go home early, take a break, look up in the dictionary. Will elicit the verb forms that follow.. i.e: Could/May I + Verb infinitive, is it OK + infinitive with to

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students will have cut strips of scrambled word strips to unscramble, will monitor the ss as they move on to the next scramble sentence.

Pronunciation (2-3 minutes) • To indicate the rising intonation in asking for permission questions

Will elicit the rising intonation on question forms at the end word and falling intonation on responses. Students will read the dialogues they have unscrambled according to the rising and falling intonation for practice.

Free Practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Will set the scene as a hotel lobby. Students will be able to role play according to the instructions on the role cards given to them. Student A (guest) role card, Student B (receptionist) role card. Will elicit as much as possible to explain the roles, will pair Ss and monitor for accurate language use and correcting if necessary.

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