Anan Anan

Amazing people
intermediate level


In this lesson, students will have new words about paralympic games and disabled people through a reading text. The session will start with warming up and teaching blockers through elicitation, followed by a jigsaw reading. Finally, there will work in groups to write about someone amazing they know/met then share their ideas.


Abc Smart Screen, White board, Colored markers, handouts, pictures
Abc handouts
Abc pictures
Abc Data Show

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan, detailed and inference reading practice using a text about Amazing people to read about Paralympics and disabled people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency and accuracy speaking practice in a role play conversation in the context of amazing and disabled athletes


Warmer/Lead-in (3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warming up students through a picture with a quote and ask them about their opinions about it. Asking students to watch a video to answer some questions, discuss it in pairs then share their ideas.

Pre-Reading (7 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

showing students different pictures to elicit some vocabulary that may hider their understanding in the text and depend on the video they watched in the previous step. 1- What do we call people who play sports? 2- What events can they participate in? 3- What do thinks can cause them disability? 4- How can they be rewarded? 5- what do we call athletes that achieve success?

While-Reading #1 "Gist" (2 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Making a jigsaw reading activity and each one will take a different text from the other. Asking them to read individually and quickly to answer these questions: -How many sports mentioned in the text? -What sports have they competed in? -What qualities do these athletes share? then check the answers in triples so they get to know all about the text

While-Reading #2 "Scanning & Close reading" (8 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Asking them to read individually again for more details to answer these questions 1- What happened & caused him/her disability? 2- How did they affect their community? then check it in triples, then with the whole class. Giving them time to work in groups of triples and share ideas together to answer classify athletes according to sentences.

Post-Reading #1 (6 minutes) • To integrate the language system with the language skills

Showing them a picture from the video they watched at the beginning Asking them "Do you remember this man?" to elicit the marker sentence "This is the man who was singing." "This is the band which/that played music in the video." Checking Meaning, Form, Pronunciation giving them enough time to highlight sentences with the relative clause in their text. asking them to work in pairs to complete sentences using who/which

Post-Reading #2 (4 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

grouping them and giving them time to prepare for a speaking task to make an interview with an amazing disabled athlete you know/met before giving them some questions to guide.

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