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vocabulary and speaking
elementary A1/2 level


in this lesson, ss will practise using adjectives in the context of describing the appearance and feelings. they will practise controlled speaking about their own feelings.


Abc describing pictures handouts
Abc Audio files
Abc New Cutting Edge, Module 11. Pg 117, Pearson Longman. 2005)
Abc White Board

Main Aims

  • To provide in the context of describing appearance and feelings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a vonversation in the context of feelings


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context, to engage students and to activate their schemata.

focus ss' attention on the PP pictures to elicit as much information from them as possible about the two celebrities given.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text and to improve their writing skill.

Elicit, concept check, drill and write or show the TL vocabulary: singer, famous, good-looking, actress, beautiful, adopt and common adjectives.

Highlight and Clarification (5-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation and use of the TL.

Ss look at the pictures on page 29 to elicit and match the adjectives with the pictures. T sets the task and gives instructions. T uses ICQs to check understanding e.g. who is thirsty? Ss listen to the first adjective in the audio, T demonstrates the first one to Ss. Ss listen to the audio and work alone, T monitors the task. Ss listen to the audio again, then check in pairs. T provides the answer.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice of using adjectives.

T chests the task and gives instructions " write sentences describing pictures." T demos a sentence using CCQs. T hands Ss the task. Ss work individually for 5 minutes. T monitors to offer help and checks if Ss have any problems. Ss check in small groups. T provides answer key and checks Ss have any problems.

Free Speaking Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language telling others about their feelings.

T sets the task and gives instructions. T uses ICQs to check understanding. T demonstrates the first one to Ss.about himself e.g. " I am very tired." Ss work in small groups. T monitors to offer help and checks if Ss have any problems. Ss check in small groups. T gives feedback.

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