Ariel R. De Castro Ariel R. De Castro

TP 4b_9 June 2014_De Castro
B2 level


In this lesson Ss will learn and/or practice the suffix -able and its use. Through the context of a text about preventable diseases, ss will have some examples on how to apply the suffix -able at the same time they learn meaning, and how to utilize verbs + suffix -able in order to create adjectives. The text will also serve the purpose of practice in reading for gist and deducing meaning from context. We'll discuss collocations and show differences between correct ones and wrong ones. To extend vocabulary, Ss will be introduced to metaphors on the topic of disease.


Abc Handout (T) Macmillan Global Upper Intermediate coursebook. Lindsay Clandfield & Rebecca Robb Benne

Main Aims

  • To give Ss practice in reading for gist, detail and in deducing meaning from context.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To raise Ss awareness of and give practice in adjectives ending in the suffix -able through the context of preventable diseases. To give ss practice in speaking for fluency through a discussion.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

·Teacher shows picture w/c with the statement: "Millions of people are dying every year from preventable diseases", which reads aloud and then asks w/c what ss think is the keyword on it and why. Also T asks what such a text mıght come from: a) brochure, b)encyclopedia article, c)a story, d) opinion article in a newspaper

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Teacher writes the word preventable on w/b and asks what ss think it means. Here, if no correct answer is given, T explains by means of elicitation.Then T writes "preventable disease - preventable weather" on w/b and asks w/c which combination is possible. Eliciting meaning follows, asking first if weather can be prevented and explaining the difference between predicting and preventing.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T hands out ss a number of cards in which nouns are written. Ss have to match them with adjective-cards around the classroom. Then peer correction, and feedback: Ss check the results of the activity w/c.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T writes on w/b "Winning the battle against disease" and asks ss w/c what they think this type of headline is about and where it comes from (in their opinion). T also writes * (TsBk choices) on w/b and ask ss what helped them to decide, (eg, the headings) and then ss do some PW discussion about what they know themselves about such diseases.

Semi-Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T tells ss to do an anticipation test (ex.1) consisting of a short list of characteristics of diseases in which ss (in pair work) check what they expect to find in the text. T tells ss to read the text for detail (slowly) and then, in PW, do ex.2. Another reading follows, this time quickly, for deducting meaning from context and then ss proceed to do ex. 3

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss read the 2 statements in ex. 4 and choose which one matches better their opinions and discuss why. In small groups ss debate metaphors and if necessary, T takes some FB and/or explains any doubt.

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