David Taylor David Taylor

Teaching Practice 4
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson students will be introduced to the present perfect tense through guided discovery in the context of talking about amusement parks. Students will be given opportunity to speak about what amusement parks there are in Turkey, before doing a reading activity involving both gist and detailed reading exercises. The form and usage of the present perfect tense will be elicited from the reading text. Ss will do both controlled and semi-controlled practice.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of the present perfect tense, firstly in the context of amusement parks

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about amusement parks


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To introduce Ss to the topic of amusement parks and getting them speaking a little about the subject.

T will display two pictures on the WB, one of Vialand theme park in Istanbul, the other of a roller coaster. Ss will be asked to identify what the pictures show, and will then discuss briefly in pairs what they know about such things before short WC FB. Both 'amusement park' and 'theme park' will ideally be elicited.

Reading (10-12 minutes) • Students will read for gist and for specific information

T will introduce the reading exercise about amusement parks. Before distributing the HO, T will explain that the first activity requires Ss to read quickly to find a suitable headline for the text. 3 possible ones will be given, which Ss should read before starting the text, and then decide which is the best one upon finishing. Ss can discuss answer in pairs before WC FB. T will explain the answer if necessary. Ss will then read again for detail, aiming to find the answers to 6 specific questions. Again, they can discuss answers in pairs before WC FB.

Grammar focus (12-15 minutes) • To elicit and check understanding of the present perfect tense.

T will get Ss to turn the HO over and will then write this sentence from the text on WB: 'The Disney Corporation __________________ 11 theme parks around the world.' T will try to elicit the missing words from students, filling in the gaps (has built). T will ask various CCQ's so that students understand why this tense is being used in this context.T will highlight the form of the present perfect tense on WB. T will ask Ss to find another example of this kind of verb. They should identify 'More than 30% of Americans have been to an amusement park.' T will ask the same CCQ's as before to check understanding. T will then ask Ss to find a past simple verb in the text. The best comparison one is 'Disney.... created the first Disney theme park in 1955 in California.' If Ss cannot identify this or appear to be having difficulty, T will write a simplified version of this sentence on the board. T will ask CCQ's related to the use of the past simple, for comparison with the present perfect. To further check understanding, T can draw two timelines on WB to illustrate the event(s) referenced in both present perfect and past simple sentences, and again ask CCQ's.

Controlled and semi-controlled practice (12-15 minutes) • Ss will practice using the present perfect tense in controlled and semi-controlled exercises

Ss will be given a HO with a gap-fill exercise in which they must put the correct form of the present perfect in each sentence. FB can be in form of answer key but the sentences will include 'been' and 'gone'. T will explain/elicit the difference between the usages and ask CCQ's. In a second exercise, Ss must again gap-fill, but choose between using present perfect or past simple tenses. FB may need to be more detailed and CCQ's asked. In a third more interactive exercise, Ss will work in pairs and ask each other a leisure questionnaire. The specific question, 'have you ever + past participle' should be drilled. Ss will use this question when speaking with each other, and answer accordingly.

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