said zaouda said zaouda


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Main Aims

  • To write a paragraph describing your friend

Subsidiary Aims

  • Students will be introduced to adjectives concerning appearance and personality


Warm up (2-3 minutes) • Break the ice

- Teacher greets students and play "Simon says" so as to review vocabulary related to body parts

Pre-teaching vocabulary (15-20 minutes) • Teach vocabulary that will come in handy while writing

- The teacher will ask the students what are we? In order to elicit the word humans./ the teacher ask do we look the same? No/ why? Because our appearance is different. - The teacher introduces students to adjectives that describe appearance: Hair : straight, curly, short, braids, fringe, ponytail Adjectives for Describing General Appearance Beautiful Pretty Elegant Funny Cute Handsome Gorgeous Ugly Attractive Describing Someone’s Age Young Middle-aged Old Describing Someone’s Build Well-Built Plump Thin Fat Slim Describing Someone’s Height Short Medium-height Tall Adjectives for Describing Someone’s Eyes Blue Brown Small Big round Oval Wear glasses Describing Someone’s Face Round Oval Square Long Adjectives to Describe a Person’s Nose Straight Hooked Long Small Turned-up Describing Someone’s Mouth Large Small Adjectives to Describe a Person’s Lips Full Curved Thin Describing Someone’s Ears Large Small

While-writing (15-20 minutes) • Writing the first draft

- The teacher shows the students a picture and ask them to describe it in pairs. - The teacher monitors - The teacher pick some students to read their work - students try writing a paragraph in which they describe their friends.

Post-writing (5-8 minutes)

The teacher write a model paragraph for the students to copy down on their textbooks

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