Mohamed Mousa Mohamed Mousa

Telling the time
elementry level


In this lesson, students will be able to express the time easily.


Abc HOs
Abc Hand made clock
Abc Audio
Abc White board
Abc Sticky notes
Abc Sticky gum
Abc Flash cards

Main Aims

  • To practice the functional language of telling the time in the context of the daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice in listening for specific information in the same context.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of daily routine


Warmer/Lead-in (5-7 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

GTKY activity. - Ask them to choose two random questions and answer them. - Chest a photo of daily routine activities and elicit what they can see to elicit ( activities/ routine ). - Give them HO1 (a photo of some activities) and ask them to mark the activities which they do daily. - Ask them to pair check their answers to see if they have activities in common then give feedback by listen.

Exposure (3-5 minutes) • To provide text for the target language through a situation

- Tell Ls that they will listen to 7 conversations about Vicky’s morning. - Chest HO2 and ask them to listen and fill in the gaps using the words in brackets. - Play the audio 3.5 and ask Ss to work individually - demonstrate the first one with them. - ask them to check in pairs. - Monitor carefully and ask them if they want to listen again. ( optional ) - Give open class feedback and correct the wrong answers.

Highlighting (3-5 minutes) • To highlight the target language from the Ss to clarify it to them.

- Ask Ls to underline the times in HO2 by underlining them. - Demonstrate the 1st one with them then ask them to do the rest individually. - Ask Ls to pair check their answers. - Give feedback by checking the answers and correct the wrong ones.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Clarifying the meaning: - Draw a clock on the board and give Ls flash cards with the minutes on them and ask them to work as one group to stick the minutes in their place on the clock. - Demonstrate the 1st one with them. - Give feedback by correcting the wrong ones and praise their efforts. - Grab Ls attention to the meaning of ( quarter - half - o’clock) - Write on the board ( 7:15 ) and ask Ls how can we read it to elicit the ways of telling time. - Elicit how can we use ( past - to ) to tell time. -Stick the times from the script on the board and give Ls flash cards with the times written in numbers and ask them to work as one group to stick them beside the right times. - give feedback to praise their efforts and correct the wrong ones. Clarifying the form: - Grab the Ls attention to the times on the board and clarify the form using sub table and elicit the form. Clarifying the pronunciation: - Ask Ls to read the times out loud for one time then remove the written times and keep the clocks. - Point at the clocks on the board one by one and ask Ls to read them then drill the difficult ones.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- chest HO3 (matching activity) and ask them to match the written times with the clocks individually. - give them time to do the task then ask them to check their answers in pairs. - give feedback and correct the wrong answers. - give them the HO4 which is A and B - demonstrate the second activity with the strongest student then ask Ss to work in pairs. - give them the answer sheet.

Free Practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- give a clear example to the Ss about how to speak about your daily routine. - after that I ask them to work in groups and say their daily routine to their partners. - I give them a feedback.

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